path: root/em
diff options
authorJohn Ankarström <john@ankarstrom.se>2021-01-29 20:01:12 +0000
committerJohn Ankarström <john@ankarstrom.se>2021-01-29 20:01:12 +0000
commit67a5d6cb71ccde36ffa31335d307fd82cda92861 (patch)
tree04786470bfd5cb34d99bd650f301bbe1d1861c5c /em
parenteb8d329d93efa56c8afa4106932b0dfe62eef50e (diff)
Add hyperlink references
This requires two passes, the first done by aux/emcollect, the second by aux/emparse (the main awk script).
Diffstat (limited to 'em')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/em b/em
index 010fa63..dc8684e 100755
--- a/em
+++ b/em
@@ -1,150 +1,21 @@
-#!/bin/awk -f
# em -- limited hypertext markup language
-function newblock(name) {
- openblock = name
- openitem = 0
- expectblock = 0
- printf "<%s>", name
+if(~ $#* 0){
+ ramfs -p
+ file=/tmp/file
+ cat > $file
+if not
+ file=$1
-function closeblock(name) {
- if (name == "nl") printf "</ol>\n"
- else printf "</%s>\n", name
+'{aux/emcollect $file}
+for(href in $hrefs){
+ parts=`'='{echo $href}
+ ref$parts(1)=$parts(2)
-function breakblock() {
- if (openitem) {
- printf "</li>\n"
- while (itemlevel-- > 1)
- closeblock(openblock)
- itemlevel = 1
- }
- if (opendef) printf "</dd>\n"
- if (openblock) closeblock(openblock)
- openitem = 0
- opendef = 0
- openblock = 0
- expectblock = 1
-function heading(level, line) {
- sub("^=* ", "", line)
- sub(" =*$", "", line)
- printf "<h%d>%s</h%d>\n", level, line, level
- # should inline formatting be supported in headings?
-function item(level, type, line) {
- if (openitem) printf "</li>"
- openitem = 1
- if (level > itemlevel) printf "<ul>\n"
- if (level < itemlevel) printf "</ul>\n"
- itemlevel = level
- if (type == "ul") {
- sub("^ +- ", "")
- printf "<li>"
- }
- if (type == "ol") {
- match($0, "[0-9]+\.")
- n = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH-1)
- sub("^ +[0-9]+\. ", "")
- printf "<li value=\"%s\">", n
- }
- if (type == "nl") {
- match($0, "\[[0-9]+\]")
- n = substr($0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
- sub("^ +\[[0-9]+\] ", "")
- printf "<li value=\"%d\" id=\"ref%d\">", n, n
- }
-function term(line, t) { # t is a local variable
- if (opendef) printf "</dd>"
- opendef = 1
- t = $0; d = $0
- sub("^ ", "", t)
- sub(": .*$", "", t)
- sub("^ [^:]+: ", "")
- printf "<dt>%s</dt><dd>", t
-function ref(n) {
- return "[<a href=\"#ref" n "\">" n "</a>]"
-function format(line) {
- n = split(line, w, "[ ]")
- for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
- if (w[i] == "") continue;
- if (match(w[i], "^\[[0-9]+\]$"))
- w[i] = ref(substr(w[i], 2, RLENGTH-2))
- else if (match(w[i], "^\[[0-9]+\][.,:;?!]$"))
- w[i] = ref(substr(w[i], 2, RLENGTH-3)) substr(w[i], RLENGTH)
- if (match(w[i], "^`"))
- w[i] = "<tt>" substr(w[i], 2)
- else if (match(w[i], "^\\*"))
- w[i] = "<i>" substr(w[i], 2)
- else if (match(w[i], "^_"))
- w[i] = "<b>" substr(w[i], 2)
- if (match(w[i], "`$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</tt>"
- else if (match(w[i], "\\*$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</i>"
- else if (match(w[i], "_$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</b>"
- else if (match(w[i], "`[.,:;?!]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</tt>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- else if (match(w[i], "\\*\.$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</i>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- else if (match(w[i], "_[.,:;?!]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</b>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- printf "%s", w[i]
- if (i < n) printf " "
- }
- printf "\n"
-BEGIN { expectblock = 1; itemlevel = 1 }
-END { breakblock() }
-/^$/ { breakblock(); getline }
-expectblock && /^ / { newblock("table") }
-expectblock && /^ - / { newblock("ul") }
-expectblock && /^ [0-9]+\. / { newblock("ol") }
-expectblock && /^ \[[0-9]\]+ / { newblock("nl") }
-expectblock && /^ .*: / { newblock("dl") }
-expectblock && /^ / { newblock("pre"); sub("^ ", "") }
-expectblock && /^---$/ { expectblock = 0; printf "<hr/>\n"; next }
-expectblock && /^= .* =$/ { heading(1, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^== .* ==$/ { heading(3, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^=== .* ===$/ { heading(3, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^==== .* ====$/ { heading(4, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^===== .* =====$/ { heading(5, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^====== .* ======$/ { heading(6, $0); next }
-expectblock { newblock("p") }
-block = "ul" && /^ - / { item(1, "ul", line) }
-block = "ol" && /^ [0-9]+\. / { item(1, "ol", line) }
-block = "nl" && /^ \[[0-9]\]+ / { item(1, "nl", line) }
-block = "dl" && /^ .*: / { term(line) }
-block = "ul" && /^ -/ { item(2, "ul", line) }
-block = "ol" && /^ [0-9]+\./ { item(2, "ol", line) }
-block = "ul" && /^ -/ { item(3, "ul", line) }
-block = "ol" && /^ [0-9]+\./ { item(3, "ol", line) }
-block = "ul" && /^ -/ { item(4, "ul", line) }
-block = "ol" && /^ [0-9]+\./ { item(4, "ol", line) }
-block = "ul" && /^ -/ { item(5, "ul", line) }
-block = "ol" && /^ [0-9]+\./ { item(5, "ol", line) }
-block = "ul" && /^ -/ { item(6, "ul", line) }
-block = "ol" && /^ [0-9]+\./ { item(6, "ol", line) }
-block = "pre" && /^ / { sub("^ ", ""); printf "%s\n", $0; next }
-{ format($0) }
+aux/emparse $file