ieditorimproved editor class for XPCE/Prolog Git3 years
lightroffSGML/XML-like syntax for troff Git2 years
perlisdeadsource of Git3 years
alpineuseful scripts for Alpine Linux Git4 years
ebsdEmacs + NetBSD Git3 years
exrcvi configuration Git3 years
kshpatches for NetBSD ksh Git3 years
lbsdNetBSD laptop configuration Git3 years
patchesvarious pkgsrc patches Git3 years
plan9various Plan 9 scripts Git4 years
pvpreview PDF files in cgit Git3 years
rbsdNetBSD server configuration Git3 years
Apache-InjectApache directive for injecting HTML headers and footers Git3 years
List-Gather-Simplesimple implementation of gather/take for Perl 5 Git3 years
No-Sigilssigil-less variables Git
cforumCGI-based web forum written in C Git3 years
emlimited hypertext markup language Git3 years
frefreference formatter for troff Git3 years
mhttroff-like text preprocessor with HTML output Git4 years
mksimple troff macro package Git3 years
refreference-based literate programming system Git3 years
ttsource code organization and literate programming tool Git4 years
buildfollow build instructions embedded in source files Git3 years
dwimdo what i mean Git3 years
fntfont generation tools Git3 years
noicepatches for noice file browser Git3 years
re-namebulk rename with UNIX philosophy Git3 years
replbuild your own read-eval-print loop Git3 years
rttylimited but responsive remote shell Git3 years
typUNIX typing speed utility Git4 years
vprun commands interactively with vi(1) Git3 years
whensimple file watcher Git3 years
xutilextra UNIX utilities Git3 years
EpisodeBrowserGUI interface to locally stored TV series Git2 years
ahkpersonal all-purpose AutoHotKey script Git3 years
drmdynamic resolution manager for Windows Git4 years
runC pseudo-interpreter for Windows Git4 years
savesimple graphical Git interface Git3 years
watchtool for streaming YouTube videos in MPC-HC Git4 years
windowsuseful tools for Windows Git4 years
jwmfork of JWM 1.8 Git3 years
safetitlesafely set X11 title of terminal window Git3 years
ttermdynamic window title for xterm Git3 years
xbattextsimple X11 battery monitor for NetBSD Git3 years
combmodular weblog/website engine Git4 years
efalternative UNIX (line) editor Git4 years
git-saveradical alternative to git-commit Git4 years
lstdmenu-like tool for the console Git4 years
mscscraping tools for music web services Git4 years
muma modern unix mail system Git3 years