path: root/aux/emparse
diff options
authorJohn Ankarström <john@ankarstrom.se>2021-01-30 13:22:38 +0000
committerJohn Ankarström <john@ankarstrom.se>2021-01-30 13:22:38 +0000
commitd165d39c08ebc8be6ef3662022196758ef580f80 (patch)
tree3fc9d613bbfcbcefc7a3ddc6cb70fed838b18d39 /aux/emparse
parentf9535fc7d640f6a908a22032087976e654911da3 (diff)
Move aux files to root directory
Diffstat (limited to 'aux/emparse')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/aux/emparse b/aux/emparse
deleted file mode 100755
index 5fb9397..0000000
--- a/aux/emparse
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/awk -f
-# aux/emparse -- parse em source
- expectblock = 1
- itemlevel = 1
- linktext = ENVIRON["linktext"]
- if (!linktext) linktext = "link"
-END { breakblock() }
-/^$/ { breakblock(); getline }
-expectblock && /^ / { newblock("table") }
-expectblock && /^ - / { newblock("ul") }
-expectblock && /^ [0-9a-z]+\. / { newblock("ol") }
-expectblock && /^ \[[0-9a-z]\]+ / { newblock("nl") }
-expectblock && /^ .*: / { newblock("dl") }
-expectblock && /^ / { newblock("pre") }
-expectblock && /^---$/ { expectblock = 0; printf "<hr/>\n"; next }
-expectblock && /^= .* =$/ { heading(1, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^== .* ==$/ { heading(2, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^=== .* ===$/ { heading(3, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^==== .* ====$/ { heading(4, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^===== .* =====$/ { heading(5, $0); next }
-expectblock && /^====== .* ======$/ { heading(6, $0); next }
-expectblock { newblock("p") }
-openblock == "pre" { sub("^ ", ""); escape(); printf "%s\n", $0; next }
-openblock == "ul" && /^ - / { item(1, "ul", line) }
-openblock == "ol" && /^ [0-9a-z]+\. / { item(1, "ol", line) }
-openblock == "nl" && /^ \[[0-9a-z]\]+ [^ ]+$/ { next } # hyperlink reference
-openblock == "nl" && /^ \[[0-9a-z]\]+ / { item(1, "nl", line) } # text reference
-openblock == "dl" && /^ .*: / { term(line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ -/ { item(2, "ul", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ [0-9a-z]+\./ { item(2, "ol", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ -/ { item(3, "ul", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ [0-9a-z]+\./ { item(3, "ol", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ -/ { item(4, "ul", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ [0-9a-z]+\./ { item(4, "ol", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ -/ { item(5, "ul", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ [0-9a-z]+\./ { item(5, "ol", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ -/ { item(6, "ul", line) }
-(openblock == "ul" || openblock == "ol") && /^ [0-9a-z]+\./ { item(6, "ol", line) }
-{ format($0) } # inline formatting
-function format(line) {
- escape(line)
- n = split(line, w, "[ ]")
- for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
- if (w[i] == "") continue;
- if (match(w[i], "^\\[[0-9a-z]+\\]$"))
- w[i] = ref(substr(w[i], 2, RLENGTH-2))
- else if (match(w[i], "^\\[[0-9a-z]+\\][.,:;?!)]$"))
- w[i] = ref(substr(w[i], 2, RLENGTH-3)) substr(w[i], RLENGTH)
- else if (match(w[i], "^\\[[0-9a-z]+\\]\\)[.,:;?!]$"))
- w[i] = ref(substr(w[i], 2, RLENGTH-4)) substr(w[i], RLENGTH-1)
- if (!openformat) {
- if (match(w[i], "^`")) {
- w[i] = "<tt>" substr(w[i], 2)
- openformat = "tt"
- } else if (match(w[i], "^\\*")) {
- w[i] = "<i>" substr(w[i], 2)
- openformat = "i"
- } else if (match(w[i], "^_")) {
- w[i] = "<b>" substr(w[i], 2)
- openformat = "b"
- } else if (match(w[i], "^\\(`")) {
- w[i] = "(<tt>" substr(w[i], 3)
- openformat = "tt"
- } else if (match(w[i], "^\\(\\*")) {
- w[i] = "(<i>" substr(w[i], 3)
- openformat = "i"
- } else if (match(w[i], "^\\(_")) {
- w[i] = "(<b>" substr(w[i], 3)
- openformat = "b"
- }
- }
- if (openformat) {
- orig = w[i]
- if (match(w[i], "`$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</tt>"
- else if (match(w[i], "\\*$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</i>"
- else if (match(w[i], "_$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</b>"
- else if (match(w[i], "`[.,:;?!)]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</tt>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- else if (match(w[i], "\\*[.,:;?!)]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</i>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- else if (match(w[i], "_[.,:;?!)]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</b>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- else if (match(w[i], "`\\)[.,:;?!]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</tt>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- else if (match(w[i], "\\*\\)[.,:;?!]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</i>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- else if (match(w[i], "_\\)[.,:;?!]$"))
- w[i] = substr(w[i], 1, RSTART-1) "</b>" substr(w[i], RSTART+1)
- if (w[i] != orig) openformat = ""
- }
- printf "%s", w[i]
- if (i < n) printf " "
- }
- printf "\n"
-function opentag(name) {
- if (name == "nl") printf "<ol class=\"reflist\" style=\"font-size: small;\">\n"
- else printf "<%s>\n", name
-function closetag(name) {
- if (name == "nl") printf "</ol>\n"
- else printf "</%s>\n", name
-function newblock(name) {
- opentag(name)
- openblock = name
- expectblock = 0
-function breakblock() {
- if (openformat) {
- printf "</%s>", openformat
- printf "(%s:%d) warning: open <%s> closed at block break\n", ARGV[1], NR, openformat > "/dev/stderr"
- }
- if (openitem) {
- printf "</li>\n"
- while (itemlevel-- > 1)
- closetag(openblock)
- itemlevel = 1
- }
- if (opendef) printf "</dd>\n"
- if (openblock) closetag(openblock)
- openitem = 0
- opendef = 0
- openblock = 0
- openformat = ""
- itemlevel = 1
- delete leveltype
- expectblock = 1
-function heading(level, line) {
- sub("^=* ", "", line)
- sub(" =*$", "", line)
- escape(line)
- printf "<h%d>%s</h%d>\n", level, line, level
- # should inline formatting be supported in headings?
-function item(level, type, line) {
- if (openitem) printf "</li>"
- openitem = 1
- if (type != "nl") {
- for (; itemlevel < level; itemlevel++) {
- printf "<%s>\n", type
- leveltype[itemlevel+1] = type
- }
- for (; itemlevel > level; itemlevel--) {
- printf "</%s>\n", leveltype[itemlevel]
- leveltype[itemlevel] = ""
- }
- }
- if (type == "ul") {
- sub("^ +- ", "")
- printf "<li>"
- }
- if (type == "ol") {
- match($0, "[0-9a-z]+\.")
- v = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH-1)
- sub("^ +[0-9a-z]+\. ", "")
- printf "<li value=\"%s\">", v
- }
- if (type == "nl") {
- match($0, "\\[[0-9a-z]+\\]")
- v = substr($0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
- sub("^ +\\[[0-9a-z]+\\] ", "")
- printf "<li value=\"%s\" id=\"ref%s\">", v, v
- }
-function term(line, t) { # t is a local variable
- if (opendef) printf "</dd>"
- opendef = 1
- t = $0
- sub("^ ", "", t)
- sub(": .*$", "", t)
- sub("^ [^:]+: ", "")
- escape(t)
- printf "<dt>%s</dt><dd>", t
-function ref(v) {
- if (ENVIRON["ref" v] != "")
- return "(<a href=\"" ENVIRON["ref" v] "\">" linktext "</a>)"
- return "[<a href=\"#ref" v "\">" v "</a>]"
-function escape(s) {
- if (s == "") {
- gsub("&", "\\&amp;")
- gsub("<", "\\&lt;")
- gsub(">", "\\&gt;")
- } else {
- gsub("&", "\\&amp;", s)
- gsub("<", "\\&lt;", s)
- gsub(">", "\\&gt;", s)
- }