path: root/home/john
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'home/john')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/home/john/.jwmrc b/home/john/.jwmrc
index 201ea57..20bc149 100644
--- a/home/john/.jwmrc
+++ b/home/john/.jwmrc
@@ -1,222 +1,221 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <!-- The root menu, if this is undefined you will not get a menu. -->
- <!-- Additional RootMenu attributes: onroot, labeled, label -->
- <RootMenu height="12">
- <Program label="Terminal">tterm</Program>
- <Program label="Filer">rox</Program>
- <Program label="Info">minfo</Program>
- <!-- Addititional Menu attributes: height, labeled -->
- <Menu label="Applications">
- <Program label="Dillo">LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1 dillo; ~/.dillo/bm</Program>
- <Program label="W3M">
- xterm +sb -e utf8 w3m -title google.com
- </Program>
- <Program label="Netsurf">netsurf-gtk3</Program>
- <Program label="Opera">opera</Program>
- <Program label="Midori">midori</Program>
- <Program label="Firefox">firefox78</Program>
- <Program label="Reddit">xterm +sb -e rtv</Program>
- </Menu>
- <Menu label="Utilities">
- <Program>xcalc</Program>
- <Program>xfontsel</Program>
- <Program>xmag</Program>
- <Program label="xprop">
- xprop | xmessage -file -
- </Program>
- <Program label="top">
- xterm +sb -e top
- </Program>
- </Menu>
- <!-- <Desktops label="Desktops"/> -->
- <Separator/>
- <Restart label="Restart"/>
- <Exit label="Reexec" confirm="false">
- /home/john/prj/jwm/src/jwm
- </Exit>
- <Exit label="Test">
- cd /home/john/prj/jwm/src; xterm
- </Exit>
- <Exit label="Exit"/>
- </RootMenu>
- <Group>
- <Class>Gaim</Class>
- <Option>sticky</Option>
- </Group>
- <Group>
- <Class>xmms</Class>
- <Option>icon:xmms.xpm</Option>
- </Group>
- <!-- Additional tray attributes: autohide, width, border, layer, layout -->
- <Tray x="0" y="-1" height="28">
- <!-- Additional TrayButton attribute: label -->
- <TrayButton label="Root"/>
- <!-- Additional Pager attributes; width, height -->
- <Pager/>
- <!-- Additional TaskList attribute: maxwidth -->
- <TaskList/>
- <!-- Additional Swallow attribute: height -->
- <Swallow name="xload" width="64">
- xload -nolabel -bg gray90 -fg red -hl black
- </Swallow>
- <Swallow name="xbatt">xbatt</Swallow>
- <Swallow name="xbattext">xbattext -bg gray90</Swallow>
- <Swallow name="xclock">
- xclock -digital -brief -face fixed-9 \
- -bg gray90 -padding 6
- </Swallow>
- </Tray>
- <!-- Visual Styles -->
- <BorderStyle>
- <Font>fixed-10:bold</Font>
- <Width>5</Width>
- <Height>20</Height>
- <Foreground>black</Foreground>
- <Background>gray90</Background>
- <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground>
- <ActiveBackground>#4A5966</ActiveBackground>
- </BorderStyle>
- <TaskListStyle>
- <Font>fixed-10:bold</Font>
- <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground>
- <ActiveBackground>#8899A6</ActiveBackground>
- </TaskListStyle>
- <!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
- <TrayStyle>
- <Font>fixed-9</Font>
- <Background>gray90</Background>
- <Foreground>black</Foreground>
- </TrayStyle>
- <PagerStyle>
- <Outline>black</Outline>
- <Foreground>gray90</Foreground>
- <Background>#888888</Background>
- <ActiveForeground>#8899AA</ActiveForeground>
- <ActiveBackground>#3A4956</ActiveBackground>
- </PagerStyle>
- <MenuStyle>
- <Font>fixed-9</Font>
- <Foreground>black</Foreground>
- <Background>gray90</Background>
- <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground>
- <ActiveBackground>#3A4956</ActiveBackground>
- </MenuStyle>
- <PopupStyle>
- <Font>fixed-9</Font>
- <Outline>black</Outline>
- <Foreground>black</Foreground>
- <Background>yellow</Background>
- </PopupStyle>
- <IconPath>$HOME/.icons</IconPath>
- <!-- Virtual Desktops -->
- <!-- Name tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. -->
- <Desktops count="4"/>
- <!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->
- <DoubleClickSpeed>400</DoubleClickSpeed>
- <!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->
- <DoubleClickDelta>2</DoubleClickDelta>
- <!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->
- <FocusModel>sloppy</FocusModel>
- <!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
- <SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode>
- <!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->
- <MoveMode>opaque</MoveMode>
- <!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->
- <ResizeMode>opaque</ResizeMode>
- <!-- see X11/keysymdef.h -->
- <!-- Internal bindings -->
- <Key key="Up">up</Key>
- <Key key="Down">down</Key>
- <Key key="Right">right</Key>
- <Key key="Left">left</Key>
- <Key key="h">left</Key>
- <Key key="j">down</Key>
- <Key key="k">up</Key>
- <Key key="l">right</Key>
- <Key key="Return">select</Key>
- <Key key="Escape">escape</Key>
- <!-- Window manager bindings -->
- <Key mask="A" key="Tab">nextstacked</Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="Tab">prevstacked</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="space">raise</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="z">minimize</Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="v">maximize</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="s">shade</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="#">sendto#</Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="#">sendto#</Key>
- <Key mask="CA" key="#">put#</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="F1">root:1</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
- <Key mask="CA" key="r">restart</Key>
- <Key mask="CA" key="e">
- exec:xterm -T 'jwm -p' -e 'jwm -p; read x'
- </Key>
- <!-- External bindings -->
- <Key mask="A" key="q">exec:dwim</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="t">exec:tterm</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="r">exec:rox</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="n">exec:xterm -e noice</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="m">exec:xterm -e top</Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="m">exec:xosview</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="w">exec:xterm +sb -e utf8 w3m -title google.com</Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="w">exec:xterm +sb -e utf8 w3m -title `xsel`</Key>
- <Key mask="CA" key="d">exec:dr</Key>
- <Key key="Print">exec:xwd -root -out ~/print.xwd</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="Print">
- exec:sleep 2 && xwd -root -out ~/print.xwd
- </Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="t">exec:
- cd `xtitle |
- sed 's,.*(\([^(]*\))$,\1,' |
- sed 's,^~,/home/john,'`; tterm
- </Key>
- <Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:
- cd `xtitle |
- sed 's,.*(\([^(]*\))$,\1,' |
- sed 's,^~,/home/john,'`; xtopen git repl
- </Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="x">exec:xsel -o | xsel -is</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="c">exec:{ echo -n ' '; xsel -o; } | xsel -as</Key>
- <Key mask="A" key="v">exec:
- xsel -os | xsel -i; sleep 0.1; xdotool key --clearmodifiers Shift+Insert
- </Key>
+<!-- The root menu, if this is undefined you will not get a menu. -->
+<!-- Additional RootMenu attributes: onroot, labeled, label -->
+<RootMenu height="12">
+ <Program label="Terminal">tterm</Program>
+ <Program label="Filer">rox</Program>
+ <Program label="Info">minfo</Program>
+ <!-- Addititional Menu attributes: height, labeled -->
+ <Menu label="Applications">
+ <Program label="Dillo">LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1 dillo; ~/.dillo/bm</Program>
+ <Program label="W3M">
+ xterm +sb -e utf8 w3m -title google.com
+ </Program>
+ <Program label="Netsurf">netsurf-gtk3</Program>
+ <Program label="Opera">opera</Program>
+ <Program label="Midori">midori</Program>
+ <Program label="Firefox">firefox78</Program>
+ <Program label="Reddit">xterm +sb -e rtv</Program>
+ </Menu>
+ <Menu label="Utilities">
+ <Program>xcalc</Program>
+ <Program>xfontsel</Program>
+ <Program>xmag</Program>
+ <Program label="xprop">
+ xprop | xmessage -file -
+ </Program>
+ <Program label="top">
+ xterm +sb -e top
+ </Program>
+ </Menu>
+ <!-- <Desktops label="Desktops"/> -->
+ <Separator/>
+ <Restart label="Restart"/>
+ <Exit label="Reexec" confirm="false">
+ /home/john/prj/jwm/src/jwm
+ </Exit>
+ <Exit label="Test">
+ cd /home/john/prj/jwm/src; xterm
+ </Exit>
+ <Exit label="Exit"/>
+ <Class>Gaim</Class>
+ <Option>sticky</Option>
+ <Class>xmms</Class>
+ <Option>icon:xmms.xpm</Option>
+<!-- Additional tray attributes: autohide, width, border, layer, layout -->
+<Tray x="0" y="-1" height="28">
+ <!-- Additional TrayButton attribute: label -->
+ <TrayButton label="Root"/>
+ <!-- Additional Pager attributes; width, height -->
+ <Pager/>
+ <!-- Additional TaskList attribute: maxwidth -->
+ <TaskList/>
+ <!-- Additional Swallow attribute: height -->
+ <Swallow name="xload" width="64">
+ xload -nolabel -bg gray90 -fg red -hl black
+ </Swallow>
+ <Swallow name="xbatt">xbatt</Swallow>
+ <Swallow name="xbattext">xbattext -bg gray90</Swallow>
+ <Swallow name="xclock">
+ xclock -digital -brief -face fixed-9 \
+ -bg gray90 -padding 6
+ </Swallow>
+<!-- Visual Styles -->
+ <Font>fixed-10:bold</Font>
+ <Width>5</Width>
+ <Height>20</Height>
+ <Foreground>black</Foreground>
+ <Background>gray90</Background>
+ <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground>
+ <ActiveBackground>#4A5966</ActiveBackground>
+ <Font>fixed-10:bold</Font>
+ <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground>
+ <ActiveBackground>#8899A6</ActiveBackground>
+<!-- Additional TrayStyle attribute: insert -->
+ <Font>fixed-9</Font>
+ <Background>gray90</Background>
+ <Foreground>black</Foreground>
+ <Outline>black</Outline>
+ <Foreground>gray90</Foreground>
+ <Background>#888888</Background>
+ <ActiveForeground>#8899AA</ActiveForeground>
+ <ActiveBackground>#3A4956</ActiveBackground>
+ <Font>fixed-9</Font>
+ <Foreground>black</Foreground>
+ <Background>gray90</Background>
+ <ActiveForeground>white</ActiveForeground>
+ <ActiveBackground>#3A4956</ActiveBackground>
+ <Font>fixed-9</Font>
+ <Outline>black</Outline>
+ <Foreground>black</Foreground>
+ <Background>yellow</Background>
+<!-- Virtual Desktops -->
+<!-- Name tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. -->
+<Desktops count="4"/>
+<!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->
+<!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->
+<!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->
+<!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
+<SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode>
+<!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->
+<!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->
+<!-- see X11/keysymdef.h -->
+<!-- Internal bindings -->
+<Key key="Up">up</Key>
+<Key key="Down">down</Key>
+<Key key="Right">right</Key>
+<Key key="Left">left</Key>
+<Key key="h">left</Key>
+<Key key="j">down</Key>
+<Key key="k">up</Key>
+<Key key="l">right</Key>
+<Key key="Return">select</Key>
+<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>
+<!-- Window manager bindings -->
+<Key mask="A" key="Tab">nextstacked</Key>
+<Key mask="AS" key="Tab">prevstacked</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="space">raise</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="z">minimize</Key>
+<Key mask="AS" key="v">maximize</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="s">shade</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
+<Key mask="AS" key="#">sendto#</Key>
+<Key mask="AS" key="#">sendto#</Key>
+<Key mask="CA" key="#">put#</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:1</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
+<Key mask="CA" key="r">restart</Key>
+<Key mask="CA" key="e">
+ exec:xterm -T 'jwm -p' -e 'jwm -p; read x'
+<!-- External bindings -->
+<Key mask="A" key="q">exec:dwim</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="t">exec:tterm</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="r">exec:rox</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="n">exec:xterm -e noice</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="m">exec:xterm -e top</Key>
+<Key mask="AS" key="m">exec:xosview</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="w">exec:xterm +sb -e utf8 w3m -title google.com</Key>
+<Key mask="AS" key="w">exec:xterm +sb -e utf8 w3m -title `xsel`</Key>
+<Key mask="CA" key="d">exec:dr</Key>
+<Key key="Print">exec:xwd -root -out ~/print.xwd</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="Print">
+ exec:sleep 2 && xwd -root -out ~/print.xwd
+<Key mask="AS" key="t">exec:
+ cd `xtitle |
+ sed 's,.*(\([^(]*\))$,\1,' |
+ sed 's,^~,/home/john,'`; tterm
+<Key mask="AS" key="g">exec:
+ cd `xtitle |
+ sed 's,.*(\([^(]*\))$,\1,' |
+ sed 's,^~,/home/john,'`; xtopen git repl
+<Key mask="A" key="x">exec:xsel -o | xsel -is</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="c">exec:{ echo -n ' '; xsel -o; } | xsel -as</Key>
+<Key mask="A" key="v">exec:
+ xsel -os | xsel -i; sleep 0.1; xdotool key --clearmodifiers Shift+Insert