path: root/drm.ahk
diff options
authorJohn Ankarström <john@ankarstrom.se>2020-10-23 01:27:11 +0200
committerJohn Ankarström <john@ankarstrom.se>2020-10-23 01:27:11 +0200
commitaff6b7d7c99f8b99d0da630fb97d8576043a916a (patch)
tree5a49278f562c6a02ecdeecb8e00d6de7274bbe12 /drm.ahk
parent0a04ca2cd728982cd3a47cefad9d3101b455c6d6 (diff)
release 1.4
Diffstat (limited to 'drm.ahk')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/drm.ahk b/drm.ahk
index 11dd793..c373b2c 100644
--- a/drm.ahk
+++ b/drm.ahk
@@ -65,18 +65,35 @@ Configure()
SelectMenuResolution(ItemName, ItemPos, MenuName)
- ResArray := StrSplit(ItemName, "x")
- SwitchToResolutionFrom(ResArray[1], ResArray[2], A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
+ w := 0
+ h := 0
+ r := 0
+ for k, v in StrSplit(ItemName, " ")
+ {
+ if (k = 1)
+ {
+ a := StrSplit(v, "x")
+ w := a[1]
+ h := a[2]
+ }
+ else if ("Hz" = SubStr(v, StrLen(v) - 1))
+ r := SubStr(v, 1, StrLen(v) - 2)
+ }
+ if (w = 0 or h = 0)
+ MsgBox, Invalid width or height
+ new := {width: w, height: h, rate: r, depth: 32}
+ old := Get()
+ SwitchResolution(new, old)
; Save window positions, switch to given resolution, restore window positions
-SwitchToResolutionFrom(WidthNew, HeightNew, WidthOrig, HeightOrig)
+SwitchResolution(new, old)
Positions := {}
- SetResolution(WidthNew, HeightNew)
+ Set(new)
Sleep, 500
@@ -86,7 +103,7 @@ SwitchToResolutionFrom(WidthNew, HeightNew, WidthOrig, HeightOrig)
if (ErrorLevel = 1) ; user didn't press escape
- SetResolution(%WidthOrig%, %HeightOrig%)
+ Set(old)
Sleep, 500
@@ -183,18 +200,34 @@ Restore(Positions)
; Set screen resolution
-SetResolution(Width, Height, ColorDepth := 32)
VarSetCapacity(DeviceMode, 156, 0)
- NumPut(156, DeviceMode, 36)
+ NumPut(156, DeviceMode, 36)
DllCall("EnumDisplaySettingsA", UInt, 0, UInt, -1, UInt, &DeviceMode)
- NumPut(0x5c0000, DeviceMode, 40)
- NumPut(ColorDepth, DeviceMode, 104)
- NumPut(Width, DeviceMode, 108)
- NumPut(Height, DeviceMode, 112)
+ NumPut(0x5c0000, DeviceMode, 40)
+ NumPut(res.depth, DeviceMode, 104)
+ NumPut(res.width, DeviceMode, 108)
+ NumPut(res.height, DeviceMode, 112)
+ if (res.rate > 0)
+ NumPut(res.rate, DeviceMode, 120)
DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettingsA", UInt, &DeviceMode, UInt, 0)
+; Get screen resolution
+ VarSetCapacity(DeviceMode, 156, 0)
+ NumPut(156, DeviceMode, 36)
+ DllCall("EnumDisplaySettingsA", UInt, 0, UInt, -1, UInt, &DeviceMode)
+ w := NumGet(&DeviceMode, 108, "uint4")
+ h := NumGet(&DeviceMode, 112, "uint4")
+ d := NumGet(&DeviceMode, 104, "uint4")
+ r := NumGet(&DeviceMode, 120, "uint4")
+ return {width: w, height: h, depth: d, rate: r}
; Get position of any window, even a minimized one
WinReallyGetPos(hwnd, ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef w="", ByRef h="")