#!/usr/bin/perl -w # mkmv -- move files to new directory use Getopt::Std; use File::Copy qw/mv/; getopts('t:', \%opt); &usage if not $opt{t}; &usage if not @ARGV; mkdir "$opt{t}.tmp" or die "Could not create directory $opt{t}.tmp: $!\n"; mv $_, "$opt{t}.tmp/$_" or warn "Could not move $_ to $opt{t}/$_: $!\n" for @ARGV; mv "$opt{t}.tmp", $opt{t} or warn "Could not move $opt{t}.tmp to $opt{t}: $!\n"; sub usage { &HELP_MESSAGE; exit 1; } sub HELP_MESSAGE { print STDERR <<OPT; usage: $0 -t target file [...] -t the target directory OPT } sub VERSION_MESSAGE {}