
tt.c -- tangle to, written by John Ankarström → tt.c

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <shlwapi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib")
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>


#define err(code, string) do { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", string, strerror(errno)); exit(code); } while (0)
#define die(...) do { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); exit(1); } while (0)
#define true 1
#define false 0
#define bool int


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  return 0;

void reference(char *line) {

bool insertion(char *line) {


References in source input

The references found in the source input is stored as an array of strings in the global refs variable: → declarations

char **refs; /* references */
int refs_c; /* count */
int refs_s; /* size (number of elements allocated for) */

It is allocated at the beginning of the execution to contain an array of ten strings. The refss variable keeps track of the amount of allocated space, while refc holds the number of actual elements: → main.globals

  refs_c = 0;
  refs_s = 10;
  refs = malloc(refs_s * sizeof(char *));
  if (refs == NULL) err(1, "malloc");

Insertions in source input

tt represents every insertion as an array of strings, where each string corresponds to a line to be inserted. All insertions are stored in the global ins array: → declarations

char ***ins; /* insertions */

The position of each insertion in the ins array is always equal to the position of the corresponding reference in the refs array -- to find what lines should be inserted at destination X, one must find the value P such that refs[P] is equal to X. Then, the corresponding insertion will be equal to ins[P].

In other words, the ins array should always be of the same length as refs. As such, the refss and refsc variables are used for ins as well. The ins array is allocated to hold the same number of elements as refs. Furthermore, its elements are set to NULL, signifying the absence of any insertion at that index: → main.globals

  ins = malloc(refs_s * sizeof(char **));
  if (ins == NULL) err(1, "malloc");
  for (i = 0; i < refs_s; i++)
    ins[i] = NULL;

→ main.declarations

int i;

Parsing standard input

Text is read from the standard input, line by line, into a line variable. Two additional variables, lines and linel, keep track of the amount of allocated space and the actual number of characters in the string, respectively: → main.declarations

  char *line;
  int line_l; /* length */
  int line_s; /* size (number of characters allocated for) */

It initially is allocated to hold 100 characters: → main.input

  line_l = 0;
  line_s = 100;
  line = malloc(1 + line_s * sizeof(char));
  if (line == NULL) err(1, "malloc");

Lines are read character by character until end of file. First, the read character is assigned to the variable b. When it is certain that it is not EOF, then it is assigned to the variable c: → main.input

  while ((b = getchar()) != EOF) {  
    c = b;

→ main.declarations

  char b;
  char c;

On every iteration, tt checks whether the read character is a newline. If not, the character is added to the line variable, which is re-allocated if necessary. The line_l, keeping track of the line's length, is incremented as well: → main.input

    if (c != '\n') {
      if (line_l + 1 > line_s) {
        line_s += 20;
        tmp = realloc(line, 1 + line_s * sizeof(char));
        if (tmp == NULL) err(1, "malloc");
        line = tmp;
      line[line_l++] = c;

The tmp variable used in the re-allocation has a type which is identical to that of the line variable: → main.declarations

  char *tmp;

If the read character is a newline, then the program "finishes" the line, adding a final NULL character and resetting line_l: → main.input

    line[line_l] = '\0';
    line_l = 0;

Before parsing the line, we make sure to skip it if it is empty and following a non-code line: → main.input

    if (strlen(code_prefix) == 0 && !wascode && strcmp(line, "") == 0) {

This is only desirable if CODE_PREFIX is empty, because then, there is no way for the writer of the source input to, for appearance's sake, leave an empty line between non-code lines and code lines; any empty line will will inevitably be interpreted as a code line. The code above circumvents this.

This aesthetical nicety requires the program to keep track of whether the previous line was a code line or not: → main.declarations

  bool wascode = false;

Now, it is time to check whether the read line is a code line (an insertion) or a documentation line (containing a reference): → main.input

    if (!insertion(line)) reference(line);

The insertion and reference functions modify the ins and refs variables according to the contents of the line.

Finally, after the loop is finished -- meaning that EOF has been reached -- we must ensure that the final character was not a newline; otherwise, the final line of source input has not been processed, as lines are processed only when the terminated newline is encountered.

Thus, if the final character was a newline, tt goes back and finishes the final line: → main.input

  if (c != '\n') { c = '\n'; goto finish; }

Identifying and processing documentation lines containing references

The reference function is responsible for processing references in source input lines: → declarations

void reference(char *line);

Parsing the line

Documentation lines are formatted as follows: ->

documentation line ::= DOC_PREFIX anything [reference]

reference ::= "->" [whitespace] identifier [whitespace]
identifier ::= not whitespace

In order to identify whether a given line actually is a documentation line containing a reference, the line variable is aliased to ln, which will be modified instead of line: → reference.declarations

  char *ln = line;

First, we ensure the line begins with the doc_prefix: → reference.parse

  if (strncmp(ln, doc_prefix, strlen(doc_prefix)) != 0) return;

Then, we ensure that a hyphen is present: → reference.parse

  if (*ln == '\0') return;
  else if (*ln == '-') { ln++; goto lessthan; }
  else { ln++; goto hyphen; }

After finding the hyphen, we check whether a less-then sign follows it. If not, we keep looking for another hyphen. → reference.parse

  if (*ln != '>') goto hyphen;
  else ln++;

After finding a less-then sign following a hyphen (->), we ignore all whitespace, if there is any. If the end of the line has been reached, or is reached, by this point, then it will be interpreted as an empty reference, resetting the current reference (meaning that subsequent code lines will not be attached to any reference): → reference.parse

  if (isspace(*ln)) { ln++; goto space; }
  if (*ln == '\0') { ref = ""; return; }

Now, a valid reference should be a string of non-space characters, followed optionally by whitespace, but not anything other than whitespace: → reference.parse

  for (i = 0; i < strlen(ln); i++)
    if (isspace(ln[i])) {
      for (j = i; j < strlen(ln); j++)
        if (!isspace(ln[j])) return;

→ reference.declarations

  int i;
  int j;

After the loop above, i will be set to the index of the first encountered space or the end of the line. Any trailing whitespace should be ignored: → reference.parse

  ln[i] = '\0';

Adding the reference

At this point, we have found a valid reference, which should now be added to the global refs array.

First, however, it should be mentioned that reference identifiers have a maximum length of 80 characters: → definitions

#define REFMAX 80

Thus, any reference identifier longer than REFMAX is truncated, with a warning printed to the standard error stream: → reference.add

  if (strlen(ln) > REFMAX) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Truncating identifier exceeding %d characters\n",
    ln[REFMAX] = '\0';

It should also be mentioned that the current reference is always stored in a global variable, from which the code(char ) function knows with which reference to associate each code line: → declarations*

char *ref;

It is allocated in the beginning of the program's execution: → main.globals

  ref = malloc(1 + REFMAX * sizeof(char));
  if (ref == NULL) err(1, "malloc");

It is freed before the output section of the program, at which point it is no longer needed: → main.output


The variable is set by our reference function: → reference.add

  sprintf(ref, "%s", ln); /* set current reference */
  ref[strlen(ln)] = '\0';

Now remains the work of adding the reference to the global refs variable -- unless it already exists in refs: → reference.add

  for (i = 0; i < refs_c; i++)
    if (strcmp(refs[i], ref) == 0) return;

If the reference truly is new, we notify the user: → reference.add

  fprintf(stderr, "New reference: %s\n", ref);

Before adding the new reference to refs, we re-allocate refs (and therefore also ins, which should always be as large as refs), if needed: → reference.add

  if (++refs_c > refs_s) {
    refs_s += 10;
    tmp = realloc(refs, refs_s * sizeof(char *));
    if (tmp == NULL) err(1, "malloc");
    refs = tmp;
    tmp2 = realloc(ins, refs_s * sizeof(char *));
    if (tmp2 == NULL) err(1, "malloc");
    ins = tmp2;
    for (i = refs_s - 10; i < refs_s; i++) /* TODO: is this right? */
      ins[i] = NULL;

→ reference.declarations

  char **tmp;
  char ***tmp2;

Notice that the code above also increases the refs_c count. Now, everything else is done, and the reference is ready to be added: → reference.add

  refs[refs_c-1] = malloc(1 + REFMAX * sizeof(char));
  sprintf(refs[refs_c-1], "%s", ref);

Identifying and processing code lines

The insertion function is responsible for processing code lines: → declarations

bool insertion(char *line);

It returns true if the given line is a code line (i.e., an insertion).

Parsing the code line

First of all, if there is no current reference, the insertion should be ignored: → insertion.parse

  if (ref[0] == '\0') return false;

If there is a CODEPREFIX, we ensure that the line begins with it. Likewise, if there is a DOCPREFIX, we ensure that the line does not begin with it: → insertion.parse

  if (strlen(code_prefix) > 0)
    if (strncmp(line, code_prefix, strlen(code_prefix)) != 0) return false;
  if (strlen(doc_prefix) > 0)
    if (strncmp(line, doc_prefix, strlen(doc_prefix)) == 0) return false;

As you can see, the DOCPREFIX is given precedence over the CODEPREFIX.

Adding the code line to the insertions

Now that we know the line contains an insertion, we must find the index of the current reference in the refs array: → insertion.add

  for (i = 0; i < refs_c; i++)
    if (strcmp(refs[i], ref) == 0) break;

→ insertion.declarations

  int i;

Our goal is to add the insertion to the corresponding position in the ins array. If there is no insertion at that position, the value will be NULL: → insertion.add

  if (ins[i] == NULL) {
    ins[i] = malloc(1 + 1 * sizeof(char *));
    if (ins[i] == NULL) err(1, "malloc");
    len = 0;

If ins[i] is not NULL, then it already contains some number of insertion strings, terminated by a final NULL value. In order to allocate memory for the new insertion, we find the position of the final NULL value, corresponding to the length of the ins[i] array: → insertion.add

  else {
    for (len = 0; ins[i][len] != NULL; len++) ;
    tmp = realloc(ins[i], 1 + (len + 1) * sizeof(char *));
    if (tmp == NULL) err(1, "malloc");
    ins[i] = tmp;

→ insertion.declarations

  char **tmp;
  int len;

Now remains adding the insertion to ins[i]. First, we mark the new final position: → insertion.add

  ins[i][len + 1] = NULL;

Then, we allocate memory for the string: → insertion.add

  ins[i][len] = malloc(1 + strlen(line) * sizeof(char));
  if (ins[i][len] == NULL) err(1, "malloc");

Finally, we copy the string, returning true, signifying that the line processed indeed was a code line: → insertion.add

  strncpy(ins[i][len], line + strlen(code_prefix),
    strlen(line) - strlen(code_prefix));
  ins[i][len][strlen(line) - strlen(code_prefix)] = '\0';
  return true;

Notice also that we make sure to skip the CODE_PREFIX.


Command-line flags

tt can be configured by changing the value of three variables: → declarations

char *code_prefix; /* string with which code lines should start */
char *doc_prefix;  /* string with which documentation lines should start */
char *out_prefix;  /* string to which the output file name should be appended */

The default values are the following: → main.options

  code_prefix = "    "; /* code lines should begin with four spaces */
  doc_prefix = "";      /* other lines are documentation lines */
  out_prefix = "out/";  /* all output files go in the out/ directory */

Each variable is controlled by a single-letter command-line flag, which should then be immediately -- without any space -- followed by the desired value. For example, -dfinal. would set out_prefix to "final.".

This convention allows for a very simple parsing loop: → main.options

  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
      switch(argv[i][1]) {
        case 'c':
          code_prefix = argv[i] + 2;
        case 'd':
          doc_prefix = argv[i] + 2;
        case 'o':
          out_prefix = argv[i] + 2;
        case '-':
          goto end;
    } else

If the given argument begins with a hyphen, it is interpreted as a flag. If the flag is --, then tt ignores the argument and stops looking for flags. If the flag is unrecognized, the program dies. If the argument does not begin with a hyphen, it and anything following it will not be interpreted as a flag.

USAGE contains information about how to use tt: → definitions

#define USAGE "usage: %s [-cCODE_PREFIX] [-dDOC_PREFIX] [-oOUTPREFIX] destination ...\n", argv[0]

Of course, we can't just trust the user to provide reasonable values, so we ensure that the codeprefix and outprefix are not identical and that the out_prefix is not empty -- otherwise, tt would overwrite all destination files: → main.options

  if (strcmp(code_prefix, doc_prefix) == 0)
    die("code_prefix and doc_prefix cannot be identical\n");
  if (strlen(out_prefix) == 0)
    die("out_prefix cannot be empty\n");

Command-line arguments

Having finished parsing command-line flags, it is time to collect the remaining command-line arguments, which should be one or more destination files. Our loop above, when broken out of or finished naturally, has set the i variable to the position of the first non-flag argument in argv (or simply the position after the last flag in argv).

First, we check if there actually are any further argument, or if i is past the end of the array: → main.options

  if (i == argc) die(USAGE);

At least one destination file is required. Then, we save the position of the first destination file in argv in a special variable for later use: → main.options

offset = i;

→ main.declarations

int offset;

Now, we have successfully finished parsing both flags and arguments, and are ready to read the lines on the standard input.


Outputting the results

At this point, we have collected all references and accompanying insertinos in the source input. Two tasks remain:

  1. We need to parse the destination files, identifying <>.
  2. We need to copy the destination files to the tangled files, overwriting all <> with the corresponding insertions.

Both of these tasks will be performed in the same loop: → main.output

  for (k = offset; k < argc; k++) {

→ main.declarations

  int k;

The counter k is set to the offset defined in the options section, which should be equal to the position of the first destination file in argv. We loop as long as we haven't reached the end of argv.

On each iteration of the loop, we can obtain from argv the name of the destination file and copy it to a new string, adding the out_prefix. We'll call this string tangledfilename: → main.declarations

  char *tangledfilename;

→ main.output

    tangledfilename = malloc(1 + (strlen(out_prefix) + strlen(argv[k]) + 50) * sizeof(char));
    if (tangledfilename == NULL) err(1, "malloc");

    if (sprintf(tangledfilename, "%s%s", out_prefix, argv[k]) == -1)
      err(1, "sprintf");

Now, we can open the tangled file for writing and the original destination file for reading. We'll call the handle for tangledfile f and the handle for argv[k] fo, the o standing for "original": → main.declarations

  FILE *f;
  FILE *fo;

→ main.output

    f = fopen(tangledfilename, "w");
    if (f == NULL) err(1, "fopen");
    fo = fopen(argv[k], "r");
    if (fo == NULL) err(1, "fopen");

Having successfully opened the files, we have no need for tangledfilename: → main.output


Parsing the current destination file and writing the tangled file

The destination file will be parsed in a manner similar to the way in which the source input was parsed. The same structure will be used: → main.output

    line = "";
    line_l = 0;
    /* line_s is remembered */

    while ((b = fgetc(fo)) != EOF) {
      c = b;
      if (c != '\n') {
        if (line_l + 1 > line_s) {
          line_s += 20;
          tmp = realloc(line, 1 + line_s * sizeof(char));
          if (tmp == NULL) err(1, "malloc");
          line = tmp;
        line[line_l++] = c;

Again, characters will be added to the line variable until a newline is encountered, at which point the collected line will be finished: → main.output

      line[line_l] = '\0';
      line_l = 0; /* reset line length count */

From here on, however, the loop will look a bit different. First, tt takes note of the line's indentation, saving it to the indent variable: → main.declarations

  int indent;

Only spaces are currently supported: → main.output

      ref = line;
      for (indent = 0; *ref == ' '; ref++) indent++;

Also, as you can see, we re-use the ref variable that was used by the input parsing, but which is now unused.

Parsing the <> is simple: → main.output

      if (strncmp(ref, "<<", 2) != 0
        || strncmp(ref + strlen(ref) - 2, ">>", 2) != 0) {
        fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);

If no potential destination is found, then the line will be written as-is to the tangled file, and the loop continues parsing the next line of the file. If a potential destination is found, however, we store it in the ref variable, removing the << and >> markers: → main.output

      ref += 2;
      ref[strlen(ref) - 2] = '\0';

There is still one thing to check, before we know that the destination is valid -- it must not contain any whitespace: → main.output

      for (i = 0; i < strlen(ref); i++)
        if (isspace(ref[i])) {
          fprintf(f, "%s\n", line);

Again, if there is whitespace, then the line does not signify a destination and should be printed as-is to the resulting tangled file.

As when parsing the input, long identifiers are truncated: → main.output

      if (strlen(ref) > REFMAX)
          "Warning: Truncating identifier exceeding %d characters\n", REFMAX);

Finally, we check whether the destination actually has been referenced by the source input, warning the user otherwise: → main.output

      for (i = 0; i < refs_c; i++)
        if (strncmp(refs[i], ref, REFMAX) == 0) goto found;
      fprintf(stderr, "Unreferenced destination: %s\n", ref);

Having established that the identified destination is referenced by the source input, and having stored in the local i variable the reference's position in the refs variable, we can retrieve the insertion for the reference by looking at the same position in the ins variable.

Our first order of business is to make sure that the insertion is not empty -- in that case, the user is warned, and the loop goes on to the next line: → main.output

      if (ins[i] == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Insertion for %s is empty\n", ref);

Now, we are ready to write the insertion for the destination to the tangled file. Because each insertion is stored as an array of strings, each string containing a single line of the insertion, we use yet another loop: → main.output

      for (j = 0; ins[i][j] != NULL; j++) {
        if (ins[i][j + 1] == NULL) {
          if (strlen(ins[i][j]) == 0)
            break; /* remove extra newline */
        for (m = indent; m > 0; m--) putc(' ', f);
        fprintf(f, "%s\n", ins[i][j]);

→ main.declarations

int j;
int m;

Apart from simply printing the inserted line to the tangled file, the code above also skips any empty line at the end of the insertion and adds the indentation identified when parsing the line in the destination file containing the destination identifier.

Now, we have almost finished parsing the current destination file and writing to the corresponding tangled file, but -- as before -- we still haven't processed the final line of the file, if that line ends without a newline. To fix that, we just run the finishing code again: → main.output

    if (c != '\n') { c = '\n'; goto finish2; }

Finally, we close the handles to the destination file and tangled file: → main.output


And that is the end of the loop. The loop continues for every destination file given as an argument, and when it is done, so is the program.