#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INIT "export TERM=tty43 EDITOR=ed PAGER=cat\n" #define IINIT "export EDITOR=ed PAGER=ul\n" #define MAXBUF 2048 #define MAXEARG 32 #define MAXWD 255 char *getpw(char *); void killall(); void noop(); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *address, bufin[MAXBUF], bufout[MAXBUF], dir[30], *eargv[MAXEARG], in[30], **nargv, out[30], *p, pw[255], *q, wd[MAXWD]; fd_set rfds0, rfds1; int child, dumb, escape, fdin, fdout, i, interactive, n, offset, s, sshpass; struct timeval tv; signal(SIGINT, noop); signal(SIGQUIT, killall); signal(SIGCHLD, killall); sprintf(in, "/var/tmp/rtty.in.%d", getpid()); sprintf(out, "/var/tmp/rtty.out.%d", getpid()); if(mkfifo(in, 0644) == -1 || mkfifo(out, 0664) == -1) if(errno != EEXIST) err(1, "mkfifo"); escape = dumb = interactive = sshpass = 0; for(;argv[1][0] == '+';){ if(strchr(argv[1], 'd')) dumb = 1; if(strchr(argv[1], 'i')) interactive = 1; if(strchr(argv[1], 'x')) escape = 1; if(strchr(argv[1], 'p')) sshpass = 1; argv[1] = argv[0]; argv++; argc--; } /* Save server address (first non-flag argument). */ address = NULL; for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) if(argv[i][0] != '-'){ address = argv[i]; break; } if(sshpass){ printf("password: "); getpw(pw); setenv("SSHPASS", pw, 1); } /* Start ssh. */ if(fork() == 0){ if(!(fdin = open(in, O_RDONLY))) err(1, "open"); if(!(fdout = open(out, O_WRONLY))) err(1, "open"); dup2(fdin, 0); dup2(fdout, 1); if(!(nargv = malloc(sizeof(char *)*(argc+10)))) err(1, "malloc"); offset = -1; if(sshpass){ nargv[++offset] = "sshpass"; nargv[++offset] = "-ePass"; } nargv[++offset] = "ssh"; nargv[++offset] = "-tt"; if(!sshpass) nargv[++offset] = "-oBatchMode=yes"; for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) nargv[i+offset] = argv[i]; nargv[argc+offset] = NULL; signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); execvp(nargv[0], nargv); err(1, "%s", nargv[0]); } if(!(fdin = open(in, O_WRONLY))) err(1, "open"); if(!(fdout = open(out, O_RDONLY))) err(1, "open"); /* Initialize remote environment. */ if(interactive) dprintf(fdin, IINIT); else dprintf(fdin, INIT); FD_ZERO(&rfds0); FD_ZERO(&rfds1); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1; for(;;){ /* * User input is read from standard in and copied to the * input pipe. It is saved in bufin for later use. */ FD_SET(0, &rfds0); if(select(0+1, &rfds0, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0){ n = read(0, bufin, MAXBUF); bufin[n] = 0; /* * Escaped commands are recognized only after a * remote shell prompt. */ if(escape && bufin[0] == '!' && (strcmp(bufout+strlen(bufout)-2, "$ ") == 0 || strcmp(bufout+strlen(bufout)-2, "% ") == 0 || strcmp(bufout+strlen(bufout)-2, "# ") == 0)) goto escape; dprintf(fdin, "%s", bufin); continue; escape: /* * Get remote working directory. (The response * looks like "pwd\n(directory)\n(prompt)".) */ dprintf(fdin, "pwd\n"); for(i = 0; i < MAXWD-1; i++){ read(fdout, wd, 1); if(*wd == '\n') break; } n = read(fdout, wd, MAXWD); wd[strcspn(wd, "\n\015")] = 0; bufin[strcspn(bufin, "\n")] = 0; i = 0; p = bufin+1; q = strtok(p, " "); for(; q; (q = strtok(NULL, " ")), i++) if(i < MAXEARG-1) eargv[i] = q; eargv[i] = NULL; for(i = 1; eargv[i]; i++) if(eargv[i][0] != '-' && eargv[i][0] != '+') goto found; fprintf(stderr, "no file specified\n"); goto done; found: if(eargv[i+1]){ fprintf(stderr, "more than one file given\n"); goto done; } strcpy(dir, "/tmp/rtty.XXXXXX"); if(!mkdtemp(dir)){ warn("mkdtemp"); continue; } chdir(dir); /* Construct remote path for scp. */ if(!(p = malloc(strlen(address)-1+strlen(wd)-1 +strlen(eargv[i])-1+3))) err(1, "malloc"); if(eargv[i][0] == '/'){ sprintf(p, "%s:%s", address, eargv[i]); }else sprintf(p, "%s:%s/%s", address, wd, eargv[i]); q = strrchr(eargv[i], '/'); if(q) eargv[i] = q+1; signal(SIGCHLD, NULL); /* Download file. */ if((child = fork()) == 0){ execlp("scp", "scp", p, ".", NULL); err(1, "scp"); } waitpid(child, &s, WALLSIG); if(WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s)){ fprintf(stderr, "scp terminated abnormally\n"); fprintf(stderr, "file saved in %s\n", dir); goto done; } /* Run escaped command. */ if((child = fork()) == 0){ signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); execvp(eargv[0], eargv); err(1, "%s", eargv[0]); } waitpid(child, &s, WALLSIG); if(WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s)){ fprintf(stderr, "%s terminated abnormally\n", eargv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "file saved in %s\n", dir); goto done; } /* Upload file. */ if((child = fork()) == 0){ execlp("scp", "scp", eargv[i], p, NULL); err(1, "scp"); } waitpid(child, &s, WALLSIG); if(WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s)){ fprintf(stderr, "scp terminated abnormally\n"); fprintf(stderr, "file saved in %s\n", dir); goto done; } unlink(eargv[i]); rmdir(dir); done: signal(SIGCHLD, killall); free(p); /* Trigger new remote shell prompt. */ dprintf(fdin, "\n"); } /* * Remote output is read from the output pipe and copied * to standard out for the user to see. */ FD_SET(fdout, &rfds1); if(select(fdout+1, &rfds1, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0){ n = read(fdout, bufout, MAXBUF); bufout[n] = 0; /* * The server's echo of the client's command is * skipped, assuming that bufin contains the * command in its entirety. */ i = 0; p = bufin; q = bufout; for(;;){ if(*q == '\n'){ q++; break; } if(*q == '\r'){ q++; continue; } if(*p == '\t' && strspn(q, " ") >= 8-i%8){ p++; q += 8-i%8; i += 8-i%8; continue; } if(*p != *q){ q = bufout; break; } p++; q++; i++; } /* Don't skip the echo again. */ printf("%s", q); fflush(stdout); bufin[0] = 0; if(dumb) continue; if(q[strlen(q)-1] == ':' || strcmp(q+strlen(q)-2, ": ") == 0){ if(!(q = strrchr(bufout, '\n'))) q = bufout; if(strstr(q, "password") || strstr(q, "Password") || strstr(q, "passphrase") || strstr(q, "Passphrase") || strstr(q, "pass phrase") || strstr(q, "Pass phrase")){ getpw(pw); dprintf(fdin, "%s\n", pw); } } } } } char * getpw(char *pw) { struct termios orig, term; tcgetattr(0, &orig); tcgetattr(0, &term); term.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term); fgets(pw, 255, stdin); pw[strcspn(pw, "\n")] = 0; printf("\n"); tcsetattr(0, TCSAFLUSH, &orig); return pw; } void noop() { } void killall(int s) { kill(0, SIGTERM); exit(1); }