Using rtty Rtty is a line-based remote shell interface (see rtty(1) for general information). This file gives a short introduction to using rtty. Because rtty is line-based, it is not feasible to use interactive programs such as vi(1) on the remote server. For this reason, rtty sets TERM to tty43 by default. Neither is it generally feasible to take advantage of interactive features of the remote shell, such as interactive command history. Instead, one has to make due with the old line-based tools, which are fortunately still included with modern UNIX systems. Here is a brief overview: Editor: ed(1) Pager: cat(1), pr(1) History: fc (see sh(1)) Supplying passwords to rtty If compiled with -DSSHPASS, rtty will run sshpass(1) with the -e flag, expecting a password to be set in the SSHPASS environment variable. If you often need to log into remote servers without public key authentication, consider compiling a special version of rtty -- I suggest the name rttyp -- and installing it alongside the normal version of rtty.