#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.12; use warnings; # Default configuration my %fmt; $fmt{r} = '%a (%y). {\fI%t\fR}. {\*Q%q\*U}. %n, %d. %c: %p. {Available: %w.}'; $fmt{f} = "\n(%A %y)"; $fmt{x} = "\n(%y)"; # Internal variables my @lines; my @refs; # First pass (process formats) while (<>) { chomp; # Format specification if (/^\.F([rfx])(\\?) +(.*)/) { my ($type, $join, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3); $rest = "\n$rest" if not $join; while (not eof()) { last if not $rest =~ s/\\$//; $rest .= "\n" . <>; chomp $rest; } chomp $rest; $fmt{$type} = $rest; next; } push @lines, $_; } # Second (backwards) pass (process reference definitions and inline citations) my $inlref = 0; my @r = (); my $refblock = 0; my $refi = -1; for (my $i = $#lines; $i >= 0; $i--) { $_ = $lines[$i]; chomp; # Reference definition if (/^\.R([acdnpqtwy]) +(.*)/) { my ($fld, $rest) = ($1, $2); $refi++ if not $refblock; # new reference $refblock = 1; if ($fld eq 'a') { push @{$refs[$refi]{a}}, $rest; } else { $refs[$refi]{$fld} = $rest; } next; } elsif ($refblock) { # print formatted reference definition push @r, fmt($fmt{r}, $refi) . "\n"; } # Inline citation if (/^\.R([fx]) +(.*)/) { my ($fld, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3); $inlref = 1; # find potential prefix/suffix my ($suffix, $prefix); if ($rest =~ s/ ([.,?!:;\])]) ?([\[(])?$//) { ($suffix, $prefix) = ($1, $2); } my @words = split /\s/, $rest; # replace '' with last word on preceding line for (@words) { if ($_ eq "''") { $_ = $lines[$i-1]; chomp; $_ =~ s/^.*\s(\S+)\s*$/$1/; } } # find matching definition my $winner = 0; my @points; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @refs; $i++) { my $a = join '; ', @{$refs[$i]{a}} if exists $refs[$i]{a}; $points[$i] = 0 if not defined $points[$i]; $points[$i] += 100 if likeness($a, @words); $points[$i] += 50 if likeness($refs[$i]{y}, @words); $points[$i] += 1 * likeness($refs[$i]{t}, @words); $points[$i] += 1 * likeness($refs[$i]{q}, @words); $winner = $i if $points[$i] > $points[$winner]; } if (not defined $winner) { print STDERR "Error: Reference '$rest' could not be resolved.\n"; exit 1; } if ($points[$winner] < 150) { my $f = fmt("%a, %y", $winner); print STDERR "Warning: Guessing that reference '$rest' refers to $f; "; if ($points[$winner] > 100) { print STDERR "only date matches.\n"; } elsif ($points[$winner] > 50) { print STDERR "only date and title matches.\n"; } else { print STDERR "only title matches (level = $points[$winner]).\n"; } } # format reference my $fmt; if ($fld eq 'f') { $fmt = fmt($fmt{f}, $winner); } else { $fmt = fmt($fmt{x}, $winner); } # print formatted reference my $n = index($fmt, "\n"); $prefix = '' if not $prefix; $suffix = '' if not $suffix; push @r, "\n"; if ($n != 0) { push @r, substr($fmt, index($fmt, "\n")); push @r, $prefix . substr($fmt, 0, index($fmt, "\n")) . "$suffix"; } else { push @r, "$prefix$fmt$suffix"; } next; } # non-rf line # whether or not to include a final newline depends on the # format of the inline reference on the line below if (!$inlref) { push @r, "\n"; } push @r, $_; $refblock = 0; $inlref = 0; } # Third pass (print the result) for (my $i = $#r; $i >= 0; $i--) { print $r[$i]; } # Format reference at $i after $fmt sub fmt { my ($fmt, $i) = @_; my %ref = %{$refs[$i]}; for my $fld (split //, 'Aacdnpqtwy') { if ($ref{lc $fld}) { no warnings; my $val = $ref{lc $fld}; $val = join '; ', @$val if lc $fld eq 'a'; $val = fmtl($val) if $fld eq 'A'; $fmt =~ s/\{([^{}%]*)%\Q$fld\E([^{}]*)}/$1$val$2/g; $fmt =~ s/%\Q$fld\E/$val/g; } else { no warnings; $fmt =~ s/[.([]?\{([^{}%]*)%\Q$fld\E([^{}]*)}[.,?!:;\])]?//g; $fmt =~ s/[.([]?%\Q$fld\E[.,?!:;\])]?//g; } } $fmt =~ s/([^.]) +/$1 /g; $fmt =~ s/^ *//; $fmt =~ s/ *$//; return $fmt; } # Remove forenames from a given string of authors sub fmtl { my ($a) = @_; my $r; for my $name (split /; /, $a) { if ($name =~ /(.*?),/) { $r .= ", $1"; } else { $name =~ s/(.*?)\s/$1/; return ", $name"; } } $r =~ s/^, //; return $r; } # Calculate a basic likeness value a string and a list of strings sub likeness { my ($string, @strings) = @_; my $r = 0; return 0 if not defined $string; for (@strings) { $r += 1 if index(lc $string, lc $_) != -1; } return $r; }