repl creates a read-eval-print loop out of any command.  It is a
simple and readable C program that requires GNU readline.

In other words, it's a REPL for command-line interfaces that always
require a "prefix" command.  If you're tired of having to type git
everytime you want to issue a git command:

    $ git init
    $ git add .
    $ git status
    $ git commit
    $ git push
    $ git status

... then you can do this instead:

    $ repl git
    git& init
    git& add .
    git& status
    git& commit
    git& push
    git& status

The program automatically prefixes each command with git, so that
you don't have to type it.

### Installation

First, edit the Makefile to set it up for your system.

Then, issue the following commands:

    $ make
    $ make install

To uninstall repl, run make uninstall.