Patches for NetBSD and pkgsrc This repository contains my patches for various pkgsrc packages as well as the NetBSD distribution itself. It also contains scripts that make it easier to write patches. The pkg* scripts are designed to be used in conjunction with the scripts from the pkgtools/pkgdiff package, as they depend on the existence of .orig files. Use `pkgdiffs' to make a patch containing multiple changes. Use `pkgpatch' to apply a patch to a source directory. Use `pkgundo' to reinstate the original files. The other scripts have no special relation to pkgtools/pkgdiff. Use `convpatch' to make a patch from `git diff' output. Use `savepatch' to save a patch in ~/patches. Use `undopatch' to undo all patches applied to a pkgsrc build. Use `xpkg' to fetch and extract a pkgsrc package. The `undopatch' and `xpkg' scripts are only to be used within pkgsrc package directories. They do nothing within the NetBSD source tree. Applying pkgsrc patches To have `make do-patch' apply local patches, be sure to set the LOCALPATCHES variable in mk.conf: echo LOCALPATCHES = ~/patches >> /etc/mk.conf To rebuild a package with new patches, something along the following lines should be performed: undopatch make do-patch make do-build make do-install # pkg_delete PACKAGE make reinstall # or make replace