.\" "/. .\" mg macro package for troff "/. .\" created by John Ankarström "/. .\" "/. .\" Permission to use, copy, modify and/or "/. .\" distribute this software for any purpose "/. .\" with or without fee is hereby granted. "/. .\" "/. .\" For an index of the macros defined in "/. .\" this file, issue `grep -n [-]- g.tmac'. "/. .\" "/. .\" Place new macros in alphabetical order. "/. .\" "/. . .eo \" disable backslash escapes . .\" Internal macros ---------------------------- . .\" _a -- setup document .de _a . . \" configure initial options . _nr mt 1i \" margin top . _nr mb 1i \" margin bottom . _ds cfam C \" inline constant-width font family . _ds cps -1p \" inline constant-width font size . . \" initialize document . wh 0 _h . wh -\n(mbu _f . sp 1u \" trigger header . ns . . \" configure environments . d \" date . evc 0 . nr sp 0.4v . ad c . h \" heading . evc 0 . nr sp 0.6v . ps +1p . ft B . l \" literal display . evc 0 . nr sp 0.3v . nf . in 0.5c . fam C . ps -1p . vs -1p . n \" name (of author) . evc 0 . nr sp 0.4v . ad c . p \" paragraph . evc 0 . nr sp 0.3v . nr ti 0.5c . ad b . q \" quotation . evc 0 . nr sp 0.3v . nr ti 1c . in 0.5c . ps -1p . vs -1p . s \" section heading . evc 0 . nr sp 0.6v . ft B . t \" title . evc 0 . ps +4p . vs +2p . ft B . ad c . _e .. . .\" _ds -- set default string value .de _ds . if '\*[\$1]'' .ds \$1 \$2 .. . .\" _e -- set environment .de _e . . \" initialize document? . if '\n(_a'0' \{\ . nr _a 1 . _a . \} . . br . . \" save special environment variables . if !'\n[.ev]'0' \{\ . nr \n[.ev]_sp \n(sp . nr \n[.ev]_ti \n(ti . ev . \} . . \" keep track of previous and new environment . ds penv \*[env] . ds env \$1 . . \" activate new environment . if !'\$1'' \{\ . ev \$1 . nr sp \n[\n[.ev]_sp] . nr ti \n[\n[.ev]_ti] . sp \n(spu . \} . . \" perform post-environment operations . _pe .. . .\" _f -- page footer .de _f ' sp 1v . tl ''%'' ' bp .. . .\" _h -- page header .de _h ' sp \n(mtu .. . .\" _nr -- set default numeric value .de _nr . if \n[\$1]=0 .nr \$1 \$2 .. . .\" _pe -- post-environment operations .de _pe . . \" add small space after title . if '\*[penv]'t' \{\ . if '\*[env]'n' .sp 0.1v . if '\*[env]'d' .sp 0.1v . \} . . \" add space after title/name/date . if '\*[env]'n' .return . if '\*[env]'d' .return . ie '\*[penv]'t' .sp 1v . el .ie '\*[penv]'n' .sp 1v . el .if '\*[penv]'d' .sp 1v .. . . .\" Inline macros ------------------------------ . .\" b -- bold font .de b \$3\fB\$1\fP\$2 .. . .\" c -- constant-width font .de c \$3\c . fam \*[cfam] . ps \*[cps] \$1\c . fam . ps \$2 .. . .\" i -- italic font .de i \$3\fI\$1\fP\$2 .. . .\" x -- bold italic font .de x \$3\f(BI\$1\fP\$2 .. . . .\" Hybrid macros ------------------------------ . .\" q -- quotation .de q . . \" inline . ie !'\$1'' \$3\(lq\$1\(rq\$2 . . \" block . el \{\ . _e q . ti \n(tiu . \} .. . . .\" Environment macros ------------------------- . . .\" d -- date .de d . _e d . af mo 00 . af dy 00 . ie '\$1'' \n[year]-\n(mo-\n(dy . el \$1 . af mo 1 . af dy 1 .. .\" h -- heading .de h . _e h . .. .\" l -- literal display .de l . _e l .. .\" n -- name (of author) .de n . _e n .. . .\" p -- paragraph .de p . _e p . if '\*[penv]'p' .ti \n(tiu .. . .\" s -- section heading .de s . _e s .. . .\" t -- title .de t . _e t .. . .ec \" re-enable backslash escapes