# dillorc # Sample dillo initialization file. # # Lines that start with a '#' are comments. # "#option=..." shows the built-in default. # "# option=..." is an additional example. # "option=..." overrides the built-in value. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIRST SECTION :) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the desired initial browser size # geometry=650x545+0+20 #geometry=780x580 # Change this (and the following option) if you want to have text-only browsing # from the start. (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings # menu.) #load_images=YES # Change this if you want background images to be loaded initially. # (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.) #load_background_images=NO # Change this if you want to disable loading of CSS stylesheets initially. # (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.) load_stylesheets=NO # Change this if you want to disable parsing of embedded CSS initially. # (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.) #parse_embedded_css=YES # Change the buffering scheme for drawing # 0 no double buffering - useful for debugging # 1 light buffering using a single back buffer for all windows # 2 full fltk-based double buffering for all windows #buffered_drawing=1 # Set your default directory for download/save operations save_dir=/home/john #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RENDERING SECTION #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default fonts: # # If FLTK has been configured with Xft enabled (the default), you can use # scalable fonts such as DejaVu or Liberation (try running # "fc-list : family | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sort"). #font_serif="DejaVu Serif" #font_sans_serif="DejaVu Sans" #font_cursive="URW Chancery L" #font_fantasy="DejaVu Sans" #font_monospace="DejaVu Sans Mono" # # Otherwise, use bitmapped fonts like the following (for a list, try running # "xlsfonts -fn *-iso10646-1 | grep -v -e -0-0 | cut -d - -f 3 | sort | uniq"). # font_serif="times" # font_sans_serif="helvetica" # font_cursive="helvetica" # font_fantasy="helvetica" # font_monospace="courier" # All font sizes are scaled by this value # font_factor=1.5 font_factor=0.85 # Maximum font size in pixels #font_max_size=100 # Minimum font size in pixels #font_min_size=6 # Show tooltip popups for HTML title attributes #show_tooltip=YES # Set this to YES to limit the word wrap width to the viewport width limit_text_width=YES #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PENALTIES #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Penalties are used to control good and bad break points. The bigger # the penalty for a given break point, the less likely the line is # broken here. "inf" means that breaking is prohibited, "-inf" means # that a line *must* be broken here. (The latter should not be used # here, however.) Normal spaces get a penalty of 0. The exact # definition can be found in doc/dw-line-breaking.doc. # Penalties for hyphenation breaks; this covers automatic hyphenation, # soft hyphens, and unconditional hyphens. Since hyphenation should # rather be avoided, the default values are larger than 0. # This is used for hyphenation points, when there is no hyphen or dash # before: #penalty_hyphen = 1 # This is used for hyphenation points, when the line before ends # already with a hyphen or a dash. Consequent lines ending with # hyphens or dashes should be avoided, so this value is bigger than # "penalty_hyphen": #penalty_hyphen_2 = 8 # The same for a break right of an em-dash, when there are no spaces # surrounding it (as in English). The default values are the same as # for hyphens: #penalty_em_dash_right = 1 #penalty_em_dash_right_2 = 8 # Penalty for a break *left* of an em-dash. Since a line ending with # an em-dash (and so breaking right of the em-dash) looks better than # a line beginning with an em-dash (breaking left of an em-dash), the # default value is bigger than "penalty_em_dash_right": #penalty_em_dash_left = 8 # Notice that there is no "penalty_em_dash_left_2", since breaking # left of an em-dash makes the line *begin*, not *end* with a dash. # This factor is multiplied with the line height to get the # stretchability of a non-justified line. The larger this factor (and # thus, the stretchability), the less likely the words are hyphenated; # so you can use this value to control hyphenation of non-justified # text. #stretchability_factor=1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PARSING SECTION #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If you prefer more accurate HTML bug diagnosis over better rendering # (page authors and webmasters) set the following to "NO". # #w3c_plus_heuristics=YES #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NETWORK SECTION #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the start page. # start_page="about:blank" # start_page="http://www.dillo.org" # start_page="file:/home/jcid/custom_page.html" #start_page="about:splash" # Set the home location # home="file:/home/jcid/HomePage/Home.html" #home="http://www.dillo.org/" # Set the URLs used by the web search dialog. # "%s" is replaced with the search keywords separated by '+'. # Format: search_url="[prefix ][