/**************************************************************************** * Functions to handle moving client windows. * Copyright (C) 2004 Joe Wingbermuehle ****************************************************************************/ #include "jwm.h" #include "move.h" #include "client.h" #include "border.h" #include "outline.h" #include "error.h" #include "screen.h" #include "main.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "event.h" #include "pager.h" #include "key.h" #include "tray.h" #include "status.h" typedef struct { int valid; int left, right; int top, bottom; } RectangleType; static int shouldStopMove; static SnapModeType snapMode = SNAP_BORDER; static int snapDistance = DEFAULT_SNAP_DISTANCE; static MoveModeType moveMode = MOVE_OPAQUE; static void StopMove(ClientNode *np, int doMove, int oldx, int oldy); static void MoveController(int wasDestroyed); static void DoSnap(ClientNode *np, int north, int west); static void DoSnapScreen(ClientNode *np, int north, int west); static void DoSnapBorder(ClientNode *np, int north, int west); static int ShouldSnap(const ClientNode *np); static void GetClientRectangle(const ClientNode *np, RectangleType *r); static int CheckOverlapTopBottom(const RectangleType *a, const RectangleType *b); static int CheckOverlapLeftRight(const RectangleType *a, const RectangleType *b); static int CheckLeftValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *left); static int CheckRightValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *right); static int CheckTopValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *top); static int CheckBottomValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *bottom); /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void SetSnapMode(SnapModeType mode) { snapMode = mode; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void SetMoveMode(MoveModeType mode) { moveMode = mode; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void SetSnapDistance(const char *value) { int temp; Assert(value); temp = atoi(value); if(temp > MAX_SNAP_DISTANCE || temp < MIN_SNAP_DISTANCE) { snapDistance = DEFAULT_SNAP_DISTANCE; Warning("invalid snap distance specified: %d", temp); } else { snapDistance = temp; } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void SetDefaultSnapDistance() { snapDistance = DEFAULT_SNAP_DISTANCE; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void MoveController(int wasDestroyed) { if(moveMode == MOVE_OUTLINE) { ClearOutline(); } JXUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime); JXUngrabKeyboard(display, CurrentTime); DestroyMoveWindow(); shouldStopMove = 1; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int MoveClient(ClientNode *np, int startx, int starty) { XEvent event; int oldx, oldy; int doMove; int north, south, east, west; int height; Assert(np); if(!(np->state.border & BORDER_MOVE)) { return 0; } GrabMouseForMove(); np->controller = MoveController; shouldStopMove = 0; oldx = np->x; oldy = np->y; if(!(GetMouseMask() & (Button1Mask | Button2Mask))) { StopMove(np, 0, oldx, oldy); return 0; } GetBorderSize(np, &north, &south, &east, &west); startx -= west; starty -= north; doMove = 0; for(;;) { WaitForEvent(&event); if(shouldStopMove) { np->controller = NULL; SetDefaultCursor(np->parent); return doMove; } switch(event.type) { case ButtonRelease: if(event.xbutton.button == Button1 || event.xbutton.button == Button2) { StopMove(np, doMove, oldx, oldy); return doMove; } break; case MotionNotify: DiscardMotionEvents(&event, np->window); np->x = event.xmotion.x_root - startx; np->y = event.xmotion.y_root - starty; DoSnap(np, north, west); if(!doMove && (abs(np->x - oldx) > MOVE_DELTA || abs(np->y - oldy) > MOVE_DELTA)) { if(np->state.status & STAT_MAXIMIZED) { MaximizeClient(np); startx = west + np->width / 2; starty = north / 2; MoveMouse(np->parent, startx, starty); } CreateMoveWindow(np); doMove = 1; } if(doMove) { if(moveMode == MOVE_OUTLINE) { ClearOutline(); height = north + south; if(!(np->state.status & STAT_SHADED)) { height += np->height; } DrawOutline(np->x - west, np->y - north, np->width + west + east, height); } else { JXMoveWindow(display, np->parent, np->x - west, np->y - north); SendConfigureEvent(np); } UpdateMoveWindow(np); UpdatePager(); } break; default: break; } } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int MoveClientKeyboard(ClientNode *np) { XEvent event; int oldx, oldy; int moved; int height; int north, south, east, west; Assert(np); if(!(np->state.border & BORDER_MOVE)) { return 0; } if(np->state.status & STAT_MAXIMIZED) { MaximizeClient(np); } GrabMouseForMove(); if(JXGrabKeyboard(display, np->window, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) { Debug("could not grab keyboard for client move"); return 0; } GetBorderSize(np, &north, &south, &east, &west); oldx = np->x; oldy = np->y; np->controller = MoveController; shouldStopMove = 0; CreateMoveWindow(np); UpdateMoveWindow(np); MoveMouse(rootWindow, np->x, np->y); DiscardMotionEvents(&event, np->window); if(np->state.status & STAT_SHADED) { height = 0; } else { height = np->height; } for(;;) { WaitForEvent(&event); if(shouldStopMove) { np->controller = NULL; SetDefaultCursor(np->parent); return 1; } moved = 0; if(event.type == KeyPress) { while(JXCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, np->window, KeyPress, &event)); switch(GetKey(&event.xkey) & 0xFF) { case KEY_UP: if(np->y + height > 0) { np->y -= 10; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if(np->y < rootHeight) { np->y += 10; } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if(np->x < rootWidth) { np->x += 10; } break; case KEY_LEFT: if(np->x + np->width > 0) { np->x -= 10; } break; default: StopMove(np, 1, oldx, oldy); return 1; } MoveMouse(rootWindow, np->x, np->y); JXCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, np->window, MotionNotify, &event); moved = 1; } else if(event.type == MotionNotify) { while(JXCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, np->window, MotionNotify, &event)); np->x = event.xmotion.x; np->y = event.xmotion.y; moved = 1; } else if(event.type == ButtonRelease) { StopMove(np, 1, oldx, oldy); return 1; } if(moved) { if(moveMode == MOVE_OUTLINE) { ClearOutline(); DrawOutline(np->x - west, np->y - west, np->width + west + east, height + north + west); } else { JXMoveWindow(display, np->parent, np->x - west, np->y - north); SendConfigureEvent(np); } UpdateMoveWindow(np); UpdatePager(); } } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void StopMove(ClientNode *np, int doMove, int oldx, int oldy) { int north, south, east, west; Assert(np); Assert(np->controller); (np->controller)(0); np->controller = NULL; SetDefaultCursor(np->parent); if(!doMove) { np->x = oldx; np->y = oldy; return; } GetBorderSize(np, &north, &south, &east, &west); JXMoveWindow(display, np->parent, np->x - west, np->y - north); SendConfigureEvent(np); } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void DoSnap(ClientNode *np, int north, int west) { switch(snapMode) { case SNAP_BORDER: DoSnapBorder(np, north, west); DoSnapScreen(np, north, west); break; case SNAP_SCREEN: DoSnapScreen(np, north, west); break; default: break; } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void DoSnapScreen(ClientNode *np, int north, int west) { RectangleType client; int screen; const ScreenType *sp; int screenCount; GetClientRectangle(np, &client); screenCount = GetScreenCount(); for(screen = 0; screen < screenCount; screen++) { sp = GetScreen(screen); if(abs(client.right - sp->width - sp->x) <= snapDistance) { np->x = sp->x + sp->width - west - np->width; } if(abs(client.left - sp->x) <= snapDistance) { np->x = sp->x + west; } if(abs(client.bottom - sp->height - sp->y) <= snapDistance) { np->y = sp->y + sp->height - west; if(!(np->state.status & STAT_SHADED)) { np->y -= np->height; } } if(abs(client.top - sp->y) <= snapDistance) { np->y = north + sp->y; } } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void DoSnapBorder(ClientNode *np, int north, int west) { const ClientNode *tp; const TrayType *tray; RectangleType client, other; RectangleType left = { 0 }; RectangleType right = { 0 }; RectangleType top = { 0 }; RectangleType bottom = { 0 }; int layer; GetClientRectangle(np, &client); other.valid = 1; /* Work from the bottom of the window stack to the top. */ for(layer = 0; layer < LAYER_COUNT; layer++) { /* Check tray windows. */ for(tray = GetTrays(); tray; tray = tray->next) { if(tray->hidden) { continue; } other.left = tray->x; other.right = tray->x + tray->width; other.top = tray->y; other.bottom = tray->y + tray->height; left.valid = CheckLeftValid(&client, &other, &left); right.valid = CheckRightValid(&client, &other, &right); top.valid = CheckTopValid(&client, &other, &top); bottom.valid = CheckBottomValid(&client, &other, &bottom); if(CheckOverlapTopBottom(&client, &other)) { if(abs(client.left - other.right) <= snapDistance) { left = other; } if(abs(client.right - other.left) <= snapDistance) { right = other; } } if(CheckOverlapLeftRight(&client, &other)) { if(abs(client.top - other.bottom) <= snapDistance) { top = other; } if(abs(client.bottom - other.top) <= snapDistance) { bottom = other; } } } /* Check client windows. */ for(tp = nodeTail[layer]; tp; tp = tp->prev) { if(tp == np || !ShouldSnap(tp)) { continue; } GetClientRectangle(tp, &other); /* Check if this border invalidates any previous value. */ left.valid = CheckLeftValid(&client, &other, &left); right.valid = CheckRightValid(&client, &other, &right); top.valid = CheckTopValid(&client, &other, &top); bottom.valid = CheckBottomValid(&client, &other, &bottom); /* Compute the new snap values. */ if(CheckOverlapTopBottom(&client, &other)) { if(abs(client.left - other.right) <= snapDistance) { left = other; } if(abs(client.right - other.left) <= snapDistance) { right = other; } } if(CheckOverlapLeftRight(&client, &other)) { if(abs(client.top - other.bottom) <= snapDistance) { top = other; } if(abs(client.bottom - other.top) <= snapDistance) { bottom = other; } } } } if(right.valid) { np->x = right.left - np->width - west; } if(left.valid) { np->x = left.right + west; } if(bottom.valid) { np->y = bottom.top - west; if(!(np->state.status & STAT_SHADED)) { np->y -= np->height; } } if(top.valid) { np->y = top.bottom + north; } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int ShouldSnap(const ClientNode *np) { if(np->state.status & STAT_HIDDEN) { return 0; } else if(np->state.status & STAT_MINIMIZED) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ void GetClientRectangle(const ClientNode *np, RectangleType *r) { int border; r->left = np->x; r->right = np->x + np->width; r->top = np->y; if(np->state.status & STAT_SHADED) { r->bottom = np->y; } else { r->bottom = np->y + np->height; } if(np->state.border & BORDER_OUTLINE) { border = borderWidth; r->left -= border; r->right += border; r->bottom += border; } else { border = 0; } if(np->state.border & BORDER_TITLE) { r->top -= titleHeight + border; } else { r->top -= border; } r->valid = 1; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int CheckOverlapTopBottom(const RectangleType *a, const RectangleType *b) { if(a->top >= b->bottom) { return 0; } else if(a->bottom <= b->top) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int CheckOverlapLeftRight(const RectangleType *a, const RectangleType *b) { if(a->left >= b->right) { return 0; } else if(a->right <= b->left) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } /**************************************************************************** * Check if the current left snap position is valid. * client - The window being moved. * other - A window higher in stacking order than previously check windows. * left - The top/bottom of the current left snap window. * Returns 1 if the current left snap position is still valid, otherwise 0. ****************************************************************************/ int CheckLeftValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *left) { if(!left->valid) { return 0; } if(left->right > other->right) { return 1; } /* If left and client go higher than other then still valid. */ if(left->top < other->top && client->top < other->top) { return 1; } /* If left and client go lower than other then still valid. */ if(left->bottom > other->bottom && client->bottom > other->bottom) { return 1; } if(other->left >= left->right) { return 1; } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int CheckRightValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *right) { if(!right->valid) { return 0; } if(right->left < other->left) { return 1; } /* If right and client go higher than other then still valid. */ if(right->top < other->top && client->top < other->top) { return 1; } /* If right and client go lower than other then still valid. */ if(right->bottom > other->bottom && client->bottom > other->bottom) { return 1; } if(other->right <= right->left) { return 1; } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int CheckTopValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *top) { if(!top->valid) { return 0; } if(top->bottom > other->bottom) { return 1; } /* If top and client are to the left of other then still valid. */ if(top->left < other->left && client->left < other->left) { return 1; } /* If top and client are to the right of other then still valid. */ if(top->right > other->right && client->right > other->right) { return 1; } if(other->top >= top->bottom) { return 1; } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int CheckBottomValid(const RectangleType *client, const RectangleType *other, const RectangleType *bottom) { if(!bottom->valid) { return 0; } if(bottom->top < other->top) { return 1; } /* If bottom and client are to the left of other then still valid. */ if(bottom->left < other->left && client->left < other->left) { return 1; } /* If bottom and client are to the right of other then still valid. */ if(bottom->right > other->right && client->right > other->right) { return 1; } if(other->bottom <= bottom->top) { return 1; } return 0; }