/** * @file misc.c * @author Joe Wingbermuehle * @date 2004-2006 * * @brief Miscellaneous functions and macros. * */ #include "jwm.h" #include "misc.h" static int IsSpace(char ch); static int IsSymbolic(char ch); static char *GetSymbolName(const char *str); static void ReplaceSymbol(char **str, const char *name, const char *value); /** Determine if a character is a space character. */ int IsSpace(char ch) { switch(ch) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': return 1; default: return 0; } } /** Determine if a character is a valid for a shell variable. */ int IsSymbolic(char ch) { if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { return 1; } else if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { return 1; } else if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { return 1; } else if(ch == '_') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /** Get the name of a shell variable (returns a copy). */ char *GetSymbolName(const char *str) { char *temp; int stop; if(*str == '$') { temp = Allocate(2); temp[0] = '$'; temp[1] = 0; } else { for(stop = 0; IsSymbolic(str[stop]); stop++); temp = Allocate(stop + 1); memcpy(temp, str, stop); temp[stop] = 0; } return temp; } /** Replace "name" with "value" in str (reallocates if needed). */ void ReplaceSymbol(char **str, const char *name, const char *value) { char *temp; int strLength; int nameLength; int valueLength; int x; Assert(str); Assert(name); strLength = strlen(*str); nameLength = strlen(name) + 1; if(value) { valueLength = strlen(value); } else { valueLength = 0; } if(valueLength > nameLength) { temp = Allocate(strLength - nameLength + valueLength + 1); strcpy(temp, *str); Release(*str); *str = temp; } temp = strstr(*str, name); Assert(temp); --temp; /* Account for the "$" */ if(nameLength > valueLength) { /* Move left */ for(x = 0; temp[x]; x++) { temp[x] = temp[x + nameLength - valueLength]; } temp[x] = temp[x + nameLength - valueLength]; } else if(nameLength < valueLength) { /* Move right */ for(x = strlen(temp); x >= 0; x--) { temp[x + valueLength - nameLength] = temp[x]; } } if(value) { memcpy(temp, value, valueLength); } } /** Perform shell-like macro path expansion. */ void ExpandPath(char **path) { char *name; char *value; int x; Assert(path); for(x = 0; (*path)[x]; x++) { if((*path)[x] == '$') { name = GetSymbolName(*path + x + 1); value = getenv(name); ReplaceSymbol(path, name, value); Release(name); if(value) { x += strlen(value) - 1; } } } } /** Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string. */ void Trim(char *str) { int length; int start; int x; Assert(str); length = strlen(str); /* Determine how much to cut off of the left. */ for(start = 0; IsSpace(str[start]); start++); /* Trim the left. */ if(start > 0) { length -= start; for(x = 0; x < length + 1; x++) { str[x] = str[x + start]; } } /* Trim the right. */ while(IsSpace(str[length - 1])) { --length; str[length] = 0; } } /** Copy a string. */ char *CopyString(const char *str) { char *temp; int len; if(!str) { return NULL; } len = strlen(str) + 1; temp = Allocate(len); memcpy(temp, str, len); return temp; }