/** * @file client.h * @author Joe Wingbermuehle * @date 2004-2006 * * @brief Header file client window functions. * */ #ifndef CLIENT_H #define CLIENT_H #include "border.h" #include "hint.h" /** Window border flags. */ typedef enum { BORDER_NONE = 0, BORDER_OUTLINE = 1, /**< Window has a border. */ BORDER_TITLE = 2, /**< Window has a title bar. */ BORDER_MIN = 4, /**< Window supports minimize. */ BORDER_MAX = 8, /**< Window supports maximize. */ BORDER_CLOSE = 16, /**< Window supports close. */ BORDER_RESIZE = 32, /**< Window supports resizing. */ BORDER_MOVE = 64 /**< Window supports moving. */ } BorderFlags; /** The default border flags. */ #define BORDER_DEFAULT ( \ BORDER_OUTLINE \ | BORDER_TITLE \ | BORDER_MIN \ | BORDER_MAX \ | BORDER_CLOSE \ | BORDER_RESIZE \ | BORDER_MOVE ) /** Window status flags. */ typedef enum { STAT_NONE = 0, STAT_ACTIVE = 1 << 0, /**< This client has focus. */ STAT_MAPPED = 1 << 1, /**< This client is shown (on some desktop). */ STAT_MAXIMIZED = 1 << 2, /**< This client is maximized. */ STAT_HIDDEN = 1 << 3, /**< This client is not on the current desktop. */ STAT_STICKY = 1 << 4, /**< This client is on all desktops. */ STAT_NOLIST = 1 << 5, /**< Skip this client in the task list. */ STAT_MINIMIZED = 1 << 6, /**< This client is minimized. */ STAT_SHADED = 1 << 7, /**< This client is shaded. */ STAT_WMDIALOG = 1 << 8, /**< This is a JWM dialog window. */ STAT_PIGNORE = 1 << 9, /**< Ignore the program-specified position. */ STAT_SHAPE = 1 << 10, /**< This client uses the shape extension. */ STAT_SDESKTOP = 1 << 11, /**< This client was minimized to show desktop. */ STAT_FULLSCREEN = 1 << 12 /**< This client wants to be full screen. */ } StatusFlags; /** Colormap window linked list. */ typedef struct ColormapNode { Window window; /**< A window containing a colormap. */ struct ColormapNode *next; /**< Next value in the linked list. */ } ColormapNode; /** The aspect ratio of a window. */ typedef struct AspectRatio { int minx, miny; /**< The minimum aspect ratio. */ int maxx, maxy; /**< The maximum aspect ratio. */ } AspectRatio; /** Struture to store information about a client window. */ typedef struct ClientNode { Window window; /**< The client window. */ Window parent; /**< The frame window. */ Window owner; /**< The owner window (for transients). */ int x, y; /**< The location of the window. */ int width, height; /**< The size of the window. */ int oldx, oldy; /**< The old location (for maximize). */ int oldWidth, oldHeight; /**< The old size (for maximize). */ long sizeFlags; int baseWidth, baseHeight; int minWidth, minHeight; int maxWidth, maxHeight; int xinc, yinc; AspectRatio aspect; int gravity; Colormap cmap; ColormapNode *colormaps; char *name; char *instanceName; char *className; ClientState state; BorderActionType borderAction; struct IconNode *icon; void (*controller)(int wasDestroyed); struct ClientNode *prev; /**< The previous client in this layer. */ struct ClientNode *next; /**< The next client in this layer. */ } ClientNode; /** Client windows in linked lists for each layer. */ extern ClientNode *nodes[LAYER_COUNT]; /** Client windows in linked lists for each layer (pointer to the tail). */ extern ClientNode *nodeTail[LAYER_COUNT]; /** Find a client by window or parent window. * @param w The window. * @return The client (NULL if not found). */ ClientNode *FindClientByWindow(Window w); /** Find a client by its parent window. * @param p The parent window. * @return The client (NULL if not found). */ ClientNode *FindClientByParent(Window p); /** Get the active client. * @return The active client (NULL if no client is active). */ ClientNode *GetActiveClient(); void InitializeClients(); void StartupClients(); void ShutdownClients(); void DestroyClients(); /** Add a window to management. * @param w The client window. * @param alreadyMapped 1 if the window is mapped, 0 if not. * @param notOwner 1 if JWM doesn't own this window, 0 if JWM is the owner. * @return The client window data. */ ClientNode *AddClientWindow(Window w, int alreadyMapped, int notOwner); /** Remove a client from management. * @param np The client to remove. */ void RemoveClient(ClientNode *np); /** Minimize a client. * @param np The client to minimize. */ void MinimizeClient(ClientNode *np); /** Shade a client. * @param np The client to shade. */ void ShadeClient(ClientNode *np); /** Unshade a client. * @param np The client to unshade. */ void UnshadeClient(ClientNode *np); /** Set a client's status to withdrawn. * A withdrawn client is a client that is not visible in any way to the * user. This may be a window that an application keeps around so that * it can be reused at a later time. * @param np The client whose status to change. */ void SetClientWithdrawn(ClientNode *np); /** Restore a client from minimized state. * @param np The client to restore. * @param raise 1 to raise the client, 0 to leave stacking unchanged. */ void RestoreClient(ClientNode *np, int raise); /** Maximize a client. * @param np The client to maximize. */ void MaximizeClient(ClientNode *np); /** Set the full screen status of a client. * @param np The client. * @param fullScreen 1 to make full screen, 0 to make not full screen. */ void SetClientFullScreen(ClientNode *np, int fullScreen); /** Set the keyboard focus to a client. * @param np The client to focus. */ void FocusClient(ClientNode *np); /** Set the keyboard focus to the next client. * This is used to focus the next client in the stacking order. * @param np The client before the client to focus. */ void FocusNextStacked(ClientNode *np); /** Set the keyboard focus back to the active client. */ void RefocusClient(); /** Tell a client to exit. * @param np The client to delete. */ void DeleteClient(ClientNode *np); /** Force a client to exit. * @param np The client to kill. */ void KillClient(ClientNode *np); /** Raise a client to the top of its layer. * @param np The client to raise. */ void RaiseClient(ClientNode *np); /** Lower a client to the bottom of its layer. * @param np The client to lower. */ void LowerClient(ClientNode *np); /** Restack the clients. * This is used when a client is mapped so that the stacking order * remains consistent. */ void RestackClients(); /** Set the layer of a client. * @param np The client whose layer to set. * @param layer the layer to assign to the client. */ void SetClientLayer(ClientNode *np, unsigned int layer); /** Set the desktop for a client. * @param np The client. * @parma desktop The desktop to be assigned to the client. */ void SetClientDesktop(ClientNode *np, unsigned int desktop); /** Set the sticky status of a client. * A sticky client will appear on all desktops. * @param np The client. * @param isSticky 1 to make the client sticky, 0 to make it not sticky. */ void SetClientSticky(ClientNode *np, int isSticky); /** Hide a client. * This is used for changing desktops. * @param np The client to hide. */ void HideClient(ClientNode *np); /** Show a client. * This is used for changing desktops. * @param np The client to show. */ void ShowClient(ClientNode *np); /** Update a client's colormap. * @param np The client. */ void UpdateClientColormap(ClientNode *np); /** Update the shape of a client using the shape extension. * @param np The client to update. */ void SetShape(ClientNode *np); /** Send a configure event to a client. * This will send updated location and size information to a client. * @param np The client to get the event. */ void SendConfigureEvent(ClientNode *np); /** Send a message to a client. * @param w The client window. * @param type The type of message to send. * @param message The message to send. */ void SendClientMessage(Window w, AtomType type, AtomType message); #endif