path: root/src/taskbar.c
diff options
authorJohn Ankarstr\xf6m <john@ankarstrom.se>2021-05-29 12:54:47 +0200
committerJohn Ankarstr\xf6m <john@ankarstrom.se>2021-05-29 13:18:40 +0200
commita041d9898e6d699bd8c0c25482ec574feb03c547 (patch)
tree7f094e33fb530152c3ab6238ce7300750b47addb /src/taskbar.c
First commit
This is the original state of the released tarball for JWM 1.8, which will serve as my starting point for further modifications.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/taskbar.c')
1 files changed, 936 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/taskbar.c b/src/taskbar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ab13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/taskbar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "jwm.h"
+#include "taskbar.h"
+#include "tray.h"
+#include "timing.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "client.h"
+#include "color.h"
+#include "popup.h"
+#include "button.h"
+#include "cursor.h"
+#include "icon.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "font.h"
+#include "winmenu.h"
+#include "screen.h"
+typedef enum {
+} InsertModeType;
+typedef struct TaskBarType {
+ TrayComponentType *cp;
+ int itemHeight;
+ LayoutType layout;
+ Pixmap buffer;
+ TimeType mouseTime;
+ int mousex, mousey;
+ unsigned int maxItemWidth;
+ struct TaskBarType *next;
+} TaskBarType;
+typedef struct Node {
+ ClientNode *client;
+ int y;
+ struct Node *next;
+ struct Node *prev;
+} Node;
+static char minimized_bitmap[] = {
+ 0x01, 0x03,
+ 0x07, 0x0F
+static const int TASK_SPACER = 2;
+static Pixmap minimizedPixmap;
+static InsertModeType insertMode;
+static TaskBarType *bars;
+static Node *taskBarNodes;
+static Node *taskBarNodesTail;
+static Node *GetNode(TaskBarType *bar, int x);
+static unsigned int GetItemCount();
+static int ShouldShowItem(const ClientNode *np);
+static int ShouldFocusItem(const ClientNode *np);
+static unsigned int GetItemWidth(const TaskBarType *bp,
+ unsigned int itemCount);
+static void Render(const TaskBarType *bp);
+static void ShowTaskWindowMenu(TaskBarType *bar, Node *np);
+static void SetSize(TrayComponentType *cp, int width, int height);
+static void Create(TrayComponentType *cp);
+static void Destroy(TrayComponentType *cp);
+static void Resize(TrayComponentType *cp);
+static void ProcessTaskButtonEvent(TrayComponentType *cp,
+ int x, int y, int mask);
+static void ProcessTaskMotionEvent(TrayComponentType *cp,
+ int x, int y, int mask);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void InitializeTaskBar() {
+ bars = NULL;
+ taskBarNodes = NULL;
+ taskBarNodesTail = NULL;
+ insertMode = INSERT_RIGHT;
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void StartupTaskBar() {
+ minimizedPixmap = JXCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(display, rootWindow,
+ minimized_bitmap, 4, 4, colors[COLOR_TASK_FG],
+ colors[COLOR_TASK_BG], rootDepth);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void ShutdownTaskBar() {
+ TaskBarType *bp;
+ for(bp = bars; bp; bp = bp->next) {
+ JXFreePixmap(display, bp->buffer);
+ }
+ JXFreePixmap(display, minimizedPixmap);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void DestroyTaskBar() {
+ TaskBarType *bp;
+ while(bars) {
+ bp = bars->next;
+ Release(bars);
+ bars = bp;
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+TrayComponentType *CreateTaskBar() {
+ TrayComponentType *cp;
+ TaskBarType *tp;
+ tp = Allocate(sizeof(TaskBarType));
+ tp->next = bars;
+ bars = tp;
+ tp->itemHeight = 0;
+ tp->layout = LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL;
+ tp->mousex = -1;
+ tp->mousey = -1;
+ tp->mouseTime.seconds = 0;
+ tp->mouseTime.ms = 0;
+ tp->maxItemWidth = 0;
+ cp = CreateTrayComponent();
+ cp->object = tp;
+ tp->cp = cp;
+ cp->SetSize = SetSize;
+ cp->Create = Create;
+ cp->Destroy = Destroy;
+ cp->Resize = Resize;
+ cp->ProcessButtonEvent = ProcessTaskButtonEvent;
+ cp->ProcessMotionEvent = ProcessTaskMotionEvent;
+ return cp;
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void SetSize(TrayComponentType *cp, int width, int height) {
+ TaskBarType *tp;
+ Assert(cp);
+ tp = (TaskBarType*)cp->object;
+ Assert(tp);
+ if(width == 0) {
+ tp->layout = LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL;
+ } else if(height == 0) {
+ tp->layout = LAYOUT_VERTICAL;
+ } else if(width > height) {
+ tp->layout = LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL;
+ } else {
+ tp->layout = LAYOUT_VERTICAL;
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void Create(TrayComponentType *cp) {
+ TaskBarType *tp;
+ Assert(cp);
+ tp = (TaskBarType*)cp->object;
+ Assert(tp);
+ if(tp->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ tp->itemHeight = cp->height - TASK_SPACER;
+ } else {
+ tp->itemHeight = GetStringHeight(FONT_TASK) + 12;
+ }
+ Assert(cp->width > 0);
+ Assert(cp->height > 0);
+ cp->pixmap = JXCreatePixmap(display, rootWindow, cp->width, cp->height,
+ rootDepth);
+ tp->buffer = cp->pixmap;
+ JXSetForeground(display, rootGC, colors[COLOR_TASK_BG]);
+ JXFillRectangle(display, cp->pixmap, rootGC, 0, 0, cp->width, cp->height);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void Resize(TrayComponentType *cp) {
+ TaskBarType *tp;
+ Assert(cp);
+ tp = (TaskBarType*)cp->object;
+ Assert(tp);
+ if(tp->buffer != None) {
+ JXFreePixmap(display, tp->buffer);
+ }
+ if(tp->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ tp->itemHeight = cp->height - TASK_SPACER;
+ } else {
+ tp->itemHeight = GetStringHeight(FONT_TASK) + 12;
+ }
+ Assert(cp->width > 0);
+ Assert(cp->height > 0);
+ cp->pixmap = JXCreatePixmap(display, rootWindow, cp->width, cp->height,
+ rootDepth);
+ tp->buffer = cp->pixmap;
+ JXSetForeground(display, rootGC, colors[COLOR_TASK_BG]);
+ JXFillRectangle(display, cp->pixmap, rootGC,
+ 0, 0, cp->width, cp->height);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void Destroy(TrayComponentType *cp) {
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void ProcessTaskButtonEvent(TrayComponentType *cp, int x, int y, int mask) {
+ TaskBarType *bar = (TaskBarType*)cp->object;
+ Node *np;
+ Assert(bar);
+ if(bar->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ np = GetNode(bar, x);
+ } else {
+ np = GetNode(bar, y);
+ }
+ if(np) {
+ switch(mask) {
+ case Button1:
+ if(np->client->state.status & STAT_ACTIVE
+ && np->client == nodes[np->client->state.layer]) {
+ MinimizeClient(np->client);
+ } else {
+ RestoreClient(np->client, 1);
+ FocusClient(np->client);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Button3:
+ ShowTaskWindowMenu(bar, np);
+ break;
+ case Button4:
+ FocusPrevious();
+ break;
+ case Button5:
+ FocusNext();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void ProcessTaskMotionEvent(TrayComponentType *cp, int x, int y, int mask) {
+ TaskBarType *bp = (TaskBarType*)cp->object;
+ bp->mousex = cp->screenx + x;
+ bp->mousey = cp->screeny + y;
+ GetCurrentTime(&bp->mouseTime);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void ShowTaskWindowMenu(TaskBarType *bar, Node *np) {
+ int x, y;
+ int mwidth, mheight;
+ const ScreenType *sp;
+ GetWindowMenuSize(np->client, &mwidth, &mheight);
+ sp = GetCurrentScreen(x, y);
+ if(bar->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ GetMousePosition(&x, &y);
+ if(bar->cp->screeny + bar->cp->height / 2 < sp->y + sp->height / 2) {
+ y = bar->cp->screeny + bar->cp->height;
+ } else {
+ y = bar->cp->screeny - mheight;
+ }
+ x -= mwidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ if(bar->cp->screenx + bar->cp->width / 2 < sp->x + sp->width / 2) {
+ x = bar->cp->screenx + bar->cp->width;
+ } else {
+ x = bar->cp->screenx - mwidth;
+ }
+ y = bar->cp->screeny + np->y;
+ }
+ ShowWindowMenu(np->client, x, y);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void AddClientToTaskBar(ClientNode *np) {
+ Node *tp;
+ Assert(np);
+ tp = Allocate(sizeof(Node));
+ tp->client = np;
+ if(insertMode == INSERT_RIGHT) {
+ tp->next = NULL;
+ tp->prev = taskBarNodesTail;
+ if(taskBarNodesTail) {
+ taskBarNodesTail->next = tp;
+ } else {
+ taskBarNodes = tp;
+ }
+ taskBarNodesTail = tp;
+ } else {
+ tp->prev = NULL;
+ tp->next = taskBarNodes;
+ if(taskBarNodes) {
+ taskBarNodes->prev = tp;
+ }
+ taskBarNodes = tp;
+ if(!taskBarNodesTail) {
+ taskBarNodesTail = tp;
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateTaskBar();
+ UpdateNetClientList();
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void RemoveClientFromTaskBar(ClientNode *np) {
+ Node *tp;
+ Assert(np);
+ for(tp = taskBarNodes; tp; tp = tp->next) {
+ if(tp->client == np) {
+ if(tp->prev) {
+ tp->prev->next = tp->next;
+ } else {
+ taskBarNodes = tp->next;
+ }
+ if(tp->next) {
+ tp->next->prev = tp->prev;
+ } else {
+ taskBarNodesTail = tp->prev;
+ }
+ Release(tp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateTaskBar();
+ UpdateNetClientList();
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void UpdateTaskBar() {
+ TaskBarType *bp;
+ unsigned int count;
+ int lastHeight;
+ if(shouldExit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for(bp = bars; bp; bp = bp->next) {
+ if(bp->layout == LAYOUT_VERTICAL) {
+ lastHeight = bp->cp->requestedHeight;
+ count = GetItemCount();
+ bp->cp->requestedHeight = GetStringHeight(FONT_TASK) + 12;
+ bp->cp->requestedHeight *= count;
+ bp->cp->requestedHeight += 2;
+ if(lastHeight != bp->cp->requestedHeight) {
+ ResizeTray(bp->cp->tray);
+ }
+ }
+ Render(bp);
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void SignalTaskbar(const TimeType *now, int x, int y) {
+ TaskBarType *bp;
+ Node *np;
+ for(bp = bars; bp; bp = bp->next) {
+ if(abs(bp->mousex - x) < POPUP_DELTA
+ && abs(bp->mousey - y) < POPUP_DELTA) {
+ if(GetTimeDifference(now, &bp->mouseTime) >= popupDelay) {
+ if(bp->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ np = GetNode(bp, x - bp->cp->screenx);
+ } else {
+ np = GetNode(bp, y - bp->cp->screeny);
+ }
+ if(np) {
+ ShowPopup(x, y, np->client->name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void Render(const TaskBarType *bp) {
+ Node *tp;
+ ButtonNode button;
+ int x, y;
+ int remainder;
+ int itemWidth, itemCount;
+ int width, height;
+ int iconSize;
+ Pixmap buffer;
+ GC gc;
+ char *minimizedName;
+ if(shouldExit) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Assert(bp);
+ Assert(bp->cp);
+ width = bp->cp->width;
+ height = bp->cp->height;
+ buffer = bp->cp->pixmap;
+ gc = rootGC;
+ width -= x;
+ y = 1;
+ JXSetForeground(display, gc, colors[COLOR_TASK_BG]);
+ JXFillRectangle(display, buffer, gc, 0, 0, width, height);
+ itemCount = GetItemCount();
+ if(!itemCount) {
+ UpdateSpecificTray(bp->cp->tray, bp->cp);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(bp->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ itemWidth = GetItemWidth(bp, itemCount);
+ remainder = width - itemWidth * itemCount;
+ } else {
+ itemWidth = width;
+ remainder = 0;
+ }
+ iconSize = bp->itemHeight - 2 * TASK_SPACER - 4;
+ ResetButton(&button, buffer, gc);
+ button.font = FONT_TASK;
+ for(tp = taskBarNodes; tp; tp = tp->next) {
+ if(ShouldShowItem(tp->client)) {
+ tp->y = y;
+ if(tp->client->state.status & STAT_ACTIVE) {
+ button.type = BUTTON_TASK_ACTIVE;
+ } else {
+ button.type = BUTTON_TASK;
+ }
+ if(remainder) {
+ button.width = itemWidth - TASK_SPACER;
+ } else {
+ button.width = itemWidth - TASK_SPACER - 1;
+ }
+ button.height = bp->itemHeight - 1;
+ button.x = x;
+ button.y = y;
+ button.icon = tp->client->icon;
+ if(tp->client->state.status & STAT_MINIMIZED) {
+ minimizedName = AllocateStack(strlen(tp->client->name) + 3);
+ sprintf(minimizedName, "[%s]", tp->client->name);
+ button.text = minimizedName;
+ DrawButton(&button);
+ ReleaseStack(minimizedName);
+ } else {
+ button.text = tp->client->name;
+ DrawButton(&button);
+ }
+ if(tp->client->state.status & STAT_MINIMIZED) {
+ JXCopyArea(display, minimizedPixmap, buffer, gc,
+ 0, 0, 4, 4, x + 3, y + bp->itemHeight - 7);
+ }
+ if(bp->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ x += itemWidth;
+ if(remainder) {
+ ++x;
+ --remainder;
+ }
+ } else {
+ y += bp->itemHeight;
+ if(remainder) {
+ ++y;
+ --remainder;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateSpecificTray(bp->cp->tray, bp->cp);
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void FocusNext() {
+ Node *tp;
+ for(tp = taskBarNodes; tp; tp = tp->next) {
+ if(ShouldFocusItem(tp->client)) {
+ if(tp->client->state.status & STAT_ACTIVE) {
+ tp = tp->next;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!tp) {
+ tp = taskBarNodes;
+ }
+ while(tp && !ShouldFocusItem(tp->client)) {
+ tp = tp->next;
+ }
+ if(!tp) {
+ tp = taskBarNodes;
+ while(tp && !ShouldFocusItem(tp->client)) {
+ tp = tp->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tp) {
+ RestoreClient(tp->client, 1);
+ FocusClient(tp->client);
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void FocusPrevious() {
+ Node *tp;
+ for(tp = taskBarNodesTail; tp; tp = tp->prev) {
+ if(ShouldFocusItem(tp->client)) {
+ if(tp->client->state.status & STAT_ACTIVE) {
+ tp = tp->prev;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!tp) {
+ tp = taskBarNodesTail;
+ }
+ while(tp && !ShouldFocusItem(tp->client)) {
+ tp = tp->prev;
+ }
+ if(!tp) {
+ tp = taskBarNodesTail;
+ while(tp && !ShouldFocusItem(tp->client)) {
+ tp = tp->prev;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tp) {
+ RestoreClient(tp->client, 1);
+ FocusClient(tp->client);
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void FocusNextStackedCircular() {
+ ClientNode *ac;
+ ClientNode *np;
+ int x;
+ ac = GetActiveClient();
+ np = NULL;
+ /* Check for a valid client below this client in the same layer. */
+ if(ac) {
+ for(np = ac->next; np; np = np->next) {
+ if(ShouldFocusItem(np)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for a valid client in lower layers. */
+ if(ac && !np) {
+ for(x = ac->state.layer - 1; x >= LAYER_BOTTOM; x--) {
+ for(np = nodes[x]; np; np = np->next) {
+ if(ShouldFocusItem(np)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(np) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Revert to the top-most valid client. */
+ if(!np) {
+ for(x = LAYER_TOP; x >= LAYER_BOTTOM; x--) {
+ for(np = nodes[x]; np; np = np->next) {
+ if(ShouldFocusItem(np)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(np) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(np) {
+ FocusClient(np);
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+Node *GetNode(TaskBarType *bar, int x) {
+ Node *tp;
+ int remainder;
+ int itemCount;
+ int itemWidth;
+ int index, stop;
+ int width;
+ index = TASK_SPACER;
+ itemCount = GetItemCount();
+ if(bar->layout == LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL) {
+ width = bar->cp->width - index;
+ itemWidth = GetItemWidth(bar, itemCount);
+ remainder = width - itemWidth * itemCount;
+ for(tp = taskBarNodes; tp; tp = tp->next) {
+ if(ShouldShowItem(tp->client)) {
+ if(remainder) {
+ stop = index + itemWidth + 1;
+ --remainder;
+ } else {
+ stop = index + itemWidth;
+ }
+ if(x >= index && x < stop) {
+ return tp;
+ }
+ index = stop;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(tp = taskBarNodes; tp; tp = tp->next) {
+ if(ShouldShowItem(tp->client)) {
+ stop = index + bar->itemHeight;
+ if(x >= index && x < stop) {
+ return tp;
+ }
+ index = stop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ ***************************************************************************/
+unsigned int GetItemCount() {
+ Node *tp;
+ unsigned int count;
+ count = 0;
+ for(tp = taskBarNodes; tp; tp = tp->next) {
+ if(ShouldShowItem(tp->client)) {
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ ***************************************************************************/
+int ShouldShowItem(const ClientNode *np) {
+ if(np->state.desktop != currentDesktop
+ && !(np->state.status & STAT_STICKY)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(np->state.status & STAT_NOLIST) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(np->owner != None) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!(np->state.status & STAT_MAPPED)
+ && !(np->state.status & (STAT_MINIMIZED | STAT_SHADED))) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ ***************************************************************************/
+int ShouldFocusItem(const ClientNode *np) {
+ if(np->state.desktop != currentDesktop
+ && !(np->state.status & STAT_STICKY)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(np->state.status & STAT_NOLIST) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!(np->state.status & STAT_MAPPED)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(np->owner != None) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ ***************************************************************************/
+unsigned int GetItemWidth(const TaskBarType *bp, unsigned int itemCount) {
+ unsigned int itemWidth;
+ itemWidth = bp->cp->width - TASK_SPACER;
+ if(!itemCount) {
+ return itemWidth;
+ }
+ itemWidth /= itemCount;
+ if(!itemWidth) {
+ itemWidth = 1;
+ }
+ if(bp->maxItemWidth > 0 && itemWidth > bp->maxItemWidth) {
+ itemWidth = bp->maxItemWidth;
+ }
+ return itemWidth;
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void SetMaxTaskBarItemWidth(TrayComponentType *cp, const char *value) {
+ int temp;
+ TaskBarType *bp;
+ Assert(cp);
+ if(value) {
+ temp = atoi(value);
+ if(temp < 0) {
+ Warning("invalid maxwidth for TaskList: %s", value);
+ return;
+ }
+ bp = (TaskBarType*)cp->object;
+ bp->maxItemWidth = temp;
+ }
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void SetTaskBarInsertMode(const char *mode) {
+ if(!mode) {
+ insertMode = INSERT_RIGHT;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!strcmp(mode, "right")) {
+ insertMode = INSERT_RIGHT;
+ } else if(!strcmp(mode, "left")) {
+ insertMode = INSERT_LEFT;
+ } else {
+ Warning("invalid insert mode: \"%s\"", mode);
+ insertMode = INSERT_RIGHT;
+ }
+ * Maintain the _NET_CLIENT_LIST[_STACKING] properties on the root window.
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void UpdateNetClientList() {
+ Node *np;
+ ClientNode *client;
+ Window *windows;
+ int count;
+ int layer;
+ count = 0;
+ for(np = taskBarNodes; np; np = np->next) {
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if(count == 0) {
+ windows = NULL;
+ } else {
+ windows = AllocateStack(count * sizeof(Window));
+ }
+ /* Set _NET_CLIENT_LIST */
+ count = 0;
+ for(np = taskBarNodes; np; np = np->next) {
+ windows[count++] = np->client->window;
+ }
+ JXChangeProperty(display, rootWindow, atoms[ATOM_NET_CLIENT_LIST],
+ XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)windows, count);
+ count = 0;
+ for(layer = LAYER_BOTTOM; layer <= LAYER_TOP; layer++) {
+ for(client = nodes[layer]; client; client = client->next) {
+ windows[count++] = client->window;
+ }
+ }
+ JXChangeProperty(display, rootWindow, atoms[ATOM_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING],
+ XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)windows, count);
+ if(windows != NULL) {
+ ReleaseStack(windows);
+ }