#include #include "datalistview.h" #include "drag.h" #include "episodelistview.h" #include "win32.h" #include "window.h" bool Dragger::IsDouble(const long time, const POINT& pt) { const bool dbl = time-m_time0 <= static_cast(GetDoubleClickTime()) && abs(pt.x-m_pt0.x) <= Metric && abs(pt.y-m_pt0.y) <= Metric; m_time0 = time; m_pt0 = std::move(pt); return dbl; } bool Dragger::IsDown() const { return GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000; } bool Dragger::HandleLButtonDown() { POINT pt; if (!GetRelativeCursorPos(parent.hWnd, &pt)) throw Err(WINDOWS, L"Mouse cursor position could not be retrieved: %s"); if (!InDragArea(pt.x, pt.y)) return false; if (IsDouble(GetMessageTime(), pt)) { m_bActive = false; Reset(); } else m_bActive = true; return m_bActive; } bool Dragger::HandleSetCursor() { POINT pt; if (!GetRelativeCursorPos(parent.hWnd, &pt)) throw Err(WINDOWS, L"Mouse cursor position could not be retrieved: %s"); extern HCURSOR g_hcSizeNs; bool r = true; if (InDragArea(pt.x, pt.y)) SetCursor(g_hcSizeNs); else r = false; if (!m_bActive) return r; Drag(pt.x, pt.y); if (!IsDown()) { m_bActive = false; Done(); } return r; } bool DlvDragger::InDragArea(const int x, const int y) const { RECT rrDlv; if (!GetRelativeRect(parent.dlv.hWnd, &rrDlv)) throw Err(WINDOWS, L"Data list view rectangle could not be retrieved: %s"); const int pad = EBIsThemeActive()? Dpi(6): 0; const int extra = EBIsThemeActive()? 0: Dpi(2); if (x < rrDlv.left || x > rrDlv.right) return false; if (y < rrDlv.top-pad*2-extra*3 || y > rrDlv.top+extra) return false; return true; } void DlvDragger::Drag(const int, const int y) const { RECT rrDlv; if (!GetRelativeRect(parent.dlv.hWnd, &rrDlv)) throw Err(WINDOWS, L"Data list view rectangle could not be retrieved: %s"); if (y < Dpi(50) || y > rrDlv.bottom-Dpi(20)) return; int h; h = rrDlv.bottom-y; parent.dlv.SetHeight(h); parent.UpdateLayout(); RedrawWindow(parent.hWnd, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_ERASE|RDW_FRAME|RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_ALLCHILDREN|RDW_UPDATENOW); } void DlvDragger::Reset() const { parent.dlv.SetHeight(0); parent.cfg.heightDlv = 0; parent.UpdateLayout(); } void DlvDragger::Done() const { parent.cfg.heightDlv = parent.dlv.Height(); }