About me
A picture of me.
This is the personal web site of John Ankarström. Here are a few
facts about me:
- I come from Sweden.
- I am a PhD student at the Department
of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University. My PhD
project concerns the historical development and variation of
Swedish embedded clause word order, in particular Stylistic
Fronting, from a generative perspective.
- I have a Master of Arts degree in Swedish and a Bachelor of
Arts degree with Russian as the main subject.
- Apart from Swedish, English and Russian, I know German, some
Dutch, a little Indonesian and a little (but not very much) Japanese.
I have also studied a semester of Chinese.
- I've been "on the web", in the sense of running a website, more
less regularly since 2008.
- Among my other interests are:
- Technology
- I
have experience with all three major operating systems,
but for graphical computing I mostly use Windows. This server, however,
runs on OpenBSD, a derivative of UNIX. Most of the content on this
website relates to my technological interests.
- Philosophy and theology
- Like most Swedish citizens, I am baptized in and a member of the Swedish
Church. I rarely attend, but I do believe in a reality (and life) beyond the
material world and in the non-contingent existence of truth, goodness
and beauty.
- Music
- I
have played the piano since about the age of six, at times under a
teacher, but mostly more or less casually. I have also played the
guitar for a long time casually. I also listen to a lot of music,
mostly but not limited to music from the latter half of the 20th
- I may be contacted via e-mail to john at the domain of this website.